They keep telling me that calendars are on their way out, that nobody uses them any more, that hip folks just check the day and date on their smart phones. Maybe so, maybe so… but I am old school, and I love them, can’t help myself. And I love great fantasy art as well, so our annual SONG OF ICE & FIRE illustrated calendar is one of my favorite things.
Every year we feature the work of a different artist, each one bringing their own unique vision to the Seven Kingdoms and my characters. This year — well, next year, actually, the 2021 calendar — the paintings are the work of an amazing British artist named SAM HOGG… and damn, but they are gorgeous.
The calendar is now officially ON SALE, and available at your favorite local bookstore (if they are open) or online bookseller, or wherever fine calendars are sold.
If you’d like an autographed copy, we have them in stock at Beastly Books. https://jeancocteaucinema.com/beastlybooks/ Write for details. Those are signed by me, of course.
I believe that our amazing artist, Sam Hogg, also has some copies set aside, signed by her.
She’s in the UK, though, and I’m in the New Mexico, so getting one signed by both of us is… tough.
More of her work can be found at www.artofsamhogg.com
twitter: @zephyri
Instagram: @thewhalergirl
Current Mood: bouncy