The ranks of the black brothers are beginning to fill up.
The part of Rast, one of the nastier of Yoren’s recruits, will be played by a young British actor named LUKE MC EWAN, a 2009 graduate from the Oxford School of Drama.
More information about Luke can be found at http://www.spotlight.com/6697-3497-3183
And as SAMWELL TARLY, we’ve cast a very talented newcomer named JOHN BRADLEY-WEST:
The side used in the auditions for Sam featured the scene where Sam tells Jon Snow how his father Lord Randyll dispatched him to the Wall. A difficult scene, but Bradley-West did an amazing job with it in his reading. This was one of the toughest calls, at least for me, since there was another talented candidate who was also very strong, but in the end JB-W’s heartbreaking performance could not be denied.
Bradley-West will be graduating from the School of Theatre at Manchester Metropolitan University on July 16. I am told this was his first professional audition, and I imagine it is his first professional role as well. Going straight from graduation to a pretty significant part in an HBO series… hey, it doesn’t get much better than that. He’ll make a great Sam. (And if the show lasts till season four, he may even get a sex scene!)
Expect four more black brothers to be joining them soon.
And now their watch begins. Let’s hope it lasts seven seasons.
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