I can confirm another of the leaked castings.
The role of Jory Cassel, captain of guards and right hand man to Lord Eddard Stark, will be filled by Scottish actor JAMIE SIVES. Yes, ironic as it sounds, we will have a Jamie guarding Ned.
Jory is the nephew of Ser Rodrik Cassel, Winterfell’s master-at-arms, and the son of one of Ned’s companions who died at the Tower of Joy. Though young, he commands the escort of fifty guardsmen who accompany Ned to King’s Landing.
Born in Edinburgh, Jamie Sives has been acting professionally since 1999, though his bio says he really wanted to be a footballer. His long list of credits includes an appearance on DOCTOR WHO which fans of that show might recall. He’s also featured in two of this year’s movies — the comedy GET HIM TO THE GREEK and the 3-D remake of CLASH OF THE TITANS.
So far as I know, Jory will be the only one of the Stark guards in King’s Landing with a speaking role. The rest of the Ned’s men — Desmond, Fat Tom, Hullen, Vayon Poole — will be there, but as extras, featured extras, and background characters.
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