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Wild Cards Meets SPQR

February 15, 2009 at 5:55 pm
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Page One Bookstore in Albuquerque has scheduled a booksigning for BUSTED FLUSH, the latest Wild Cards mosaic novel from Tor.

The details:

PAGE ONE, 11018 Montgomery Blvd NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Saturday, March 7, 2009
4:00-6:00 pm

This will be a joint signing with John Maddox Roberts, whose new SPQR mystery novel will just have been released. If you haven’t read John’s SPQR books, I recommend them. They’re set in the late Republic, and JMR evokes the time and characters vividly.

On the Wild Cards side, BUSTED FLUSH contributors Melinda M. Snodgrass, Ian Tregillis, John Jos. Miller, Caroline Spector, Walton (Bud) Simons, Carrie Vaughn, and Victor Milan have all confirmed their appearance… so Double Helix, the Genetrix, Carnifex, the Amazing Bubbles, Little Fat Boy, Curveball, and the Radical will all be represented by their creators. And I’ll be there signing too, of course. Several other Wild Carders should also be on hand to kibbitz, so you can get signatures on your INSIDE STRAIGHT paperbacks and even some of the earlier volumes as well.

Page One has promised to have good stocks of the other titles by all of the participating authors, so this will also be a great chance for you to get Carrie Vaughn to sign your Kitty books, Melinda to inscribe your copy of THE EDGE OF REASON, Vic to scrawl in his latest Rogue Angel title, John to autograph the Wild Cards RPG from Green Ronin, etc. And yes, of course, I’ll be glad to sign ICE & FIRE books.

So if you’re in New Mexico or environs that weekend, drop by Page One, meet John Maddox Roberts and the Busted Flushers, get your books defaced, and help support our local independent bookseller.

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Dear Dolphins

February 11, 2009 at 11:55 am
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Miami Dolphins,

Now that Brett Favre has retired, can we please have Chad Pennington back?

Mike Tannenbaum
New York Jets

Hmmmm. Wonder what Vinnie Testaverde is doing?

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Love Them Librarians

February 7, 2009 at 5:44 pm
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The American Library Association has named HUNTER’S RUN — the three-way collaboration between me, Gardner Dozois, and Daniel Abraham — as the outstanding SF novel of the year on their 2009 Reading List:

Got some distinguished company there. We’re all delighted.

I love librarians. Smart, sexy, and they have such good taste in books.

(But who knew that “adrenaline” was a genre?)

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Reno in 2011

February 7, 2009 at 3:36 pm
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The news is all over the fannish grapevine — Seattle has withdrawn its bid to host the World Science Fiction Convention in 2011. Evidently they lost their facilities.

Reno was their only announced competition for the Seattle bid. Since the filing deadline has passed, and only Seattle and Reno had filed, it looks as though we’ll be going to Reno in 2011.

Works for me. I have never been to Reno, but they have a very experienced veteran committee, and facilities superior to those Seattle was offering, so it should be a good con. (Knock wood. One really never knows about these things).

I am less sanguine about this year’s Montreal worldcon. With their hotels scattered halfway to hell and gone, Montreal will be even more spread out than last year’s Denver con.
Wear comfortable shoes.

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Some Love For Longclaw

February 7, 2009 at 12:21 pm
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After all the complaints and problems with the calendar, let me take this opportunity to point out that most of the other licensed Ice & Fire products are going just fine, thank you.

Longclaw, for instance, the full-size replica of Jon Snow’s bastard sword, is drawing some rave reviews, and my readers and fans have had nothing but good things to say about the professionalism and customer service of Chris Beasley and his crew at Valyrian Steel. Check out some of the comments for yourself at:

Remember, Valentine’s Day is coming up soon. And nothing says love like Valyrian steel…

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CoSine podcast

February 5, 2009 at 6:18 pm
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The podcast I did at Cosine weekend before last, up in Colorado Springs, has now been posted at

Check it out if you’re interested… but be warned, my interviewers run a gaming site, so there were only a few questions about A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, and a whole lot about WILD CARDS, my various games and miniatures and sub-licenses, and like subjects. If you’re interested in that stuff, you might enjoy a listen. If not, well, maybe not so much.

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A Night at the Tarn House

February 4, 2009 at 3:12 pm
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I've just finished correcting the page proofs of "A Night at the Tarn House," the novelette I wrote for the Jack Vance tribute anthology, SONGS OF THE DYING EARTH. Tomorrow they go back to Subterranean Press, where the book is zooming into production. Appears we're looking at an August pubdate, barring unforeseen schedule changes. The limited editions — both lettered and numbered — are already sold out, but copies of the illustrated trade edition, with its gorgeous Tom Kidd artwork, can still be preordered from the Subterranean website at

Some writers actually like correcting proofs, I am told. Not me. I've always found it tedious. When the proofs are full of errors, it makes me wonder if I'm missing some of them, and I worry about mistakes sneaking by. When the proofs are clean, that makes me REALLY nervous and I end up going over the same pages several times, searching for the errors that I'm somehow not seeing.

These proofs were pretty clean, by and large, though I caught a few typos… mostly my own. In the old days before computers, most of the mistakes you found when proofreading were ones that had crept in during typesetting. No longer. These days, ninety per cent of the time, when I find a mistake in the text, it is one I made myself.

I'd read three-quarters of 'Tarn House' weekend before last at CoSine in Colorado Springs, but this was the first time I'd gone through the whole thing since mailing it off to my co-editor, Gardner Dozois. It held up pretty well, I thought. No one writes like Jack Vance but Jack Vance, which made this a rather intimidating assignment… but fun as well. Many of the other writers in the book attempted to recreate Vance's unique style, but I was content just to nod in that direction, and try my best to evoke his world and some of his wit. The readers will be the judge of how well I did, but my hope is that the Vance fans out there will enjoy meeting Molloqos, Lirianne, and the Great Chimwazle (whose name is an obscure Howard Waldrop swipe, I blush to confess) as much as I did writing about them.

And besides, you can't imagine how good it feels to have finished something.

Some writers enjoy writing, I am told. Not me. I enjoy having written.

Vance fans will also want to be sure to pick up the Spring issue of Subterranean's online magazine. Gardner Dozois was the guest editor for the issue, which will feature — among other treats — one of the other stories from SONGS OF THE DYING EARTH: "Sylgarmo's Proclamation," by Lucius Shepard. Consider it an appetizer.

Current Mood: null null

More On the Calendars

February 2, 2009 at 3:04 pm
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Les Dabel writes:

“I am on it right now. It looks like within 7 to 10 business days all this should be cleared up. I am also waiting for the extra copies from Quebecor so I can send to you to sign. The packages for these 250 copies have already been put together. So once we receive them from you we will send them right out.”

And once I receive them, I will announce it here.

In another email, Les says:

“The worst problem we’ve had is the international orders. Because the packages were under 1 pound we were told that we did not need custom forms filled out with the packages. Well they were incorrect even though the packages were under 1 pound they were slightly larger than a package that did not require a customs form. I’ve received pretty much everyone of the international orders back. I’ve been resending them out with the custom forms. I was doing a great job responding to people emailing us about their calendars up until last week when I pulled a back muscle from carrying boxes and was out for pretty much the whole week. This weekend I’ve been emailing the customers and updating them and making sure replacements are being sent.”

Anyway… I am hopeful that we are on our way to getting the problems fixed, and that within a couple of weeks (perhaps longer for the overseas orders) everyone who paid for a calendar will have one.

(That’s February, by the way. Jon Snow was January).

Current Mood: null null


February 1, 2009 at 9:22 pm
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Music: Glory Days
Great Superbowl. I had no strong rooting interest this year, but this game was still a treat for any fan of the NFL brand of football. As exciting as last year’s game, if not as well played, with several incredible plays that will live in Superbowl lore. Both teams played valiantly, and those last few minutes no doubt stopped a few hearts.

I did think the officiating was lacking. The NFL really needs to do a better job than this. Far too many penalties, many of them with major impact on the game, and some of them bogus (on both teams). I wish the refs would learn to keep their flags in their pockets unless they are SURE. Close calls should not draw flags.

Even so… a terrific game, one for the ages. Congratulations to the Pittsburgh Steelers and their fans. (And to the Pottsville Maroons and THEIR fans. Rest easy, guys, your curse is still intact).

Best half-time show in Superbowl history as well. BRUUUUUUUCE! For a moment there I thought he was going to play for three hours, and screw the time limits. Superbowl halftimes have gotten a lot better of late. Last year we got Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Before that it was the famous wardrobe malfunction… but hey, even that was better than Up With People, as in decades of yore. And I’m so old I remember the marching bands that performed at halftime at SuperBowl I.

(And being old, I got a little annoyed during the trophy presentation, when Dan Patrick said that the Steeler’s sixth Superbowl win made them “the winningest franchise in NFL history.” Uh, no, not even close. Sorry, Dan, but NFL history goes back half a century before the first Superbowl, and those championships count too. The Steelers have six, and that’s great for them, but I believe the Chicago Bears still have the most NFL championships total, and the Green Bay Packers and New York Giants are up there too).

And so another NFL season comes to a close.

But the NFL never really ends.

The Detroit Lions are now on the clock.

Current Mood: null null

Calendar Woes

February 1, 2009 at 11:50 am
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We are having some major problems with the 2009 Ice & Fire calendar.

For that I am sincerely sorry. I want to make a public apology to all of my readers who paid for a calendar and have not received one.

I am several thousand miles removed from where the Dabel Brothers are based, in Georgia, so I can’t speak with any authority about the causes of these difficulties, but over the past six weeks or so, since the calendars first began to ship, I have been getting a steady stream of emails from fans and readers complaining that they paid for calendars but have never received any, or that they received the wrong calendar, or fewer copies than ordered.

Most of those writing also say that their emails to the Dabel Brothers have gone unanswered. I want to apologize for that as well. Les Dabel still answers MY emails, for what it is worth, and when I forward a complaint to him he seems to get on it right away and resolve the situation. He and his brothers and the rest of the folks at DBPro should also be answering emails sent to them directly, obviously… but as it seems they are not, I guess you should keep on sending your calendar complaints to me. The LAST thing I need right now is to be embroiled in this mess, but embroiled I am, so I’ll do my best to help.

However, there’s a limit to what I can do. I have no stock of calendars here in New Mexico; I can’t fill any orders myself. I can and have forwarded these emails to Les and Ernst Dabel, and asked them to take care of the problems ASAP. I know that Les has satisfied a number of the complainants… but the emails keep coming. For every complaint resolved, three more pop up. Les tells me that some of these calendars are being re-sent for a second and even third time; he has shipping dates and confirmation numbers. And yet the calendars continue not to arrive. Order fulfillment at DBPro is obviously not what it should be, and it may be that the post office is also at fault to some degree. I have no way of knowing.

I have asked Les to address some of these issues here on LiveJournal, on the Westeros bulletin board, and on their own DBPro forums, and to some extent that has been done… but the problems continue. There are a lot of unhappy people out there.

Again, I’m sorry. I’m going to do everything in my power to see that all of get what you paid for by the time all of this is done.

A number of you paid extra for autographed calendars, I know. As of this writing, none of those have been shipped. As of this writing, I have not received any calendars for signing. I promise, as soon as I receive a box of calendars to be autographed, I will sit down, sign them all, and send them back to DBPro the same day… but I cannot sign calendars that I do not have. Les, if you reading this, SEND ME THE GODDAMNED CALENDARS!!!

A number of you have also said that you will never do business with the Dabel Brothers again. That, of course, is your choice. Some of you have urged me not to do business with the Dabel Brothers again. That’s MY choice. For the record, though, the calendar license is a three-year deal, so regardless of how this resolves, DBPro will also be publishing the Ice & Fire calendars for 2010 and 2011. In fact, artist Mike Kaluta is already hard at work on the illustrations for the 2010 calendar. It is my devout hope that all of us will have learned valuable lessons from this year’s experience, and that next year things will run more smoothly… starting with the calendar coming out in September, like every other calendar in the world, instead of in December.

There’s no excuse for any of the things that have happened here (though there are some partial explanations, at least, which I’ve mentioned in earlier blogs), but it should be said in defense of DBPro that they do at least put out a quality product. The HEDGE KNIGHT and SWORN SWORD comics were Dabel Brothers productions, and I love both of them, and the calendar is beautiful as well, as those who have actually received it will attest. Next year’s Kaluta calendar promises to be equally spectacular.

And for those of you are urging me to find another licensee/ publisher… guys, you know, it’s actually not that simple. I don’t have a queue of calendar companies lined up outside my door waiting to buy rights. Truth be told, I did have a calendar deal previous to this one, with another of my long-time license holders, but it broke down over creative issues. I wanted to do the sort of calendar we have just done: all original artwork by a top artist hired specifically to do twelve original, never-before-seen Ice & Fire illustrations. My previous partner wanted to do a calendar made up entirely of existing Ice & Fire artwork, by a variety of artists, to which they held all rights. We could not resolve that impasse, so we cancelled the contract. It was then that I turned to the Dabel Brothers. Without them, it’s fair to say, there would be no Ice & Fire calendar… and certainly not the gorgeous Michael Komarck calendar that we have.

None of which excuses the things that have happened, or haven’t happened, as regards to order fulfillment.

So… let me say once again that I am heartily sorry about all of this, and I will try and keep hammering from my end to make certain that all of you get your calendars.

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