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Love Them Librarians

February 7, 2009 at 5:44 pm
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The American Library Association has named HUNTER’S RUN — the three-way collaboration between me, Gardner Dozois, and Daniel Abraham — as the outstanding SF novel of the year on their 2009 Reading List:

Got some distinguished company there. We’re all delighted.

I love librarians. Smart, sexy, and they have such good taste in books.

(But who knew that “adrenaline” was a genre?)

Current Mood: null null

Reno in 2011

February 7, 2009 at 3:36 pm
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The news is all over the fannish grapevine — Seattle has withdrawn its bid to host the World Science Fiction Convention in 2011. Evidently they lost their facilities.

Reno was their only announced competition for the Seattle bid. Since the filing deadline has passed, and only Seattle and Reno had filed, it looks as though we’ll be going to Reno in 2011.

Works for me. I have never been to Reno, but they have a very experienced veteran committee, and facilities superior to those Seattle was offering, so it should be a good con. (Knock wood. One really never knows about these things).

I am less sanguine about this year’s Montreal worldcon. With their hotels scattered halfway to hell and gone, Montreal will be even more spread out than last year’s Denver con.
Wear comfortable shoes.

Current Mood: null null

Some Love For Longclaw

February 7, 2009 at 12:21 pm
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After all the complaints and problems with the calendar, let me take this opportunity to point out that most of the other licensed Ice & Fire products are going just fine, thank you.

Longclaw, for instance, the full-size replica of Jon Snow’s bastard sword, is drawing some rave reviews, and my readers and fans have had nothing but good things to say about the professionalism and customer service of Chris Beasley and his crew at Valyrian Steel. Check out some of the comments for yourself at:

Remember, Valentine’s Day is coming up soon. And nothing says love like Valyrian steel…

Current Mood: null null