Sometimes I hate Live Journal.
I’ve been working all day on a new post, a long long long look back on the year that is ending, and all the things that happened in it, the good and the bad.
I know, I know. I should have broken it up. Made it three posts, or four.
But I didn’t, and somehow I lost it.
No problem, I figured. LJ has a “restore previous draft” function.
Sadly, however, when I use it, I get a short two paragraph post that I started last night and then abandoned, after deciding I didn’t want to post about that after all.
Today’s post, the long long long long one (and it wasn’t finished), seems to have vanished into the ether, and I can’t get it back.
Nor do I have the energy (or time) to recreate it.
Hell of a way to end the year.