Arrived from Warsaw yesterday, checked into our hotel, and immediately did a press conference and a zillion interviews. Late afternoon, it was time to head to Koper on the Adriatic, where I did my signing. Huge friendly turnout, including nt only Slovenes, but also fans from Croatia, Italy, and even Austria. I signed and signed…
On the way home, we stopped at the most amazing castle, built into the mouth of a huge cave. Definitely have to model some castle in Westeros on this one, it was an eyefull, especially by night. I was given a personal tour, presented with a beautiful illuminated scroll, and asked to pres ny hands into wet cement, ala Mann’s Chinese Theater. And then we had the most amazing medieval Slovenian feast.
Didn’t get back to the hotel until well past midnight, but it was an experience I will long treasure.
Today I do more interviews, and another signing, this one right here in Ljubljana. We’re expecting an even bigger turnout.
It’s all good. But boy, am I tired.
Current Mood: null