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Nailed It

July 16, 2010

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Damn, you guys are good.

Yes, you got it. The third and final part I hinted at is the Old Bear, Lord Commander Jeor Mormont, and the actor playing him is the fabulous James Cosmo.

I knew that I referenced BRAVEHEART or TROY or any of his other numerous film credits, you folks would use IMDB and ferret him out in seconds, so I went all the way to my childhood as a funny book fan for a clue — a short-lived comic that lasted only six issues half a century ago, called COSMO THE MERRY MARTIAN.

Cosmo was published by Archie Comics, hence the “jugheads” reference in my last post.

As for James Cosmo, well, he really doesn’t need much in the way of introduction.

I wish I could show you his audition. He blew away a dozen other strong contenders, including some very fine actors and household names. He will be an AMAZING Old Bear.

And that’s it for Froggy’s clues for now.

But brace for a big announcement from HBO, with lots more names.

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