… and to confirm the story that Mo Ryan broke earlier today in her column, the role of Varys the Spider will be played by CONLETH HILL.
Born in Northern Ireland, in County Antrim, Hill has done his share of televison and film, but is probably best known for his work in the theatre, which ranges from serious drama to musical comedy, and everything in between, including roles in THE PRODUCERS, LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS, THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY, WAITING FOR GODOT, and A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM. He’s appeared on stages in Belfast, Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Toronto, and on Broadway, where he was nominated for a Tony Award for best actor. Hill has also twice been awarded the Laurence Olivier Theatre Award, once for best actor, once for best supporting actor.
He has his own website at http://www.conlethhill.com/ where you can find out a lot more about him, and even see some amazing video clips. Hill, like Varys, is quite a chameleon, an actor who truly disappears inside the characters he portrays, more than capable not only of bringing the slimy, simpering eunuch to life, but also of showing us all the other faces of King’s Landing’s master of whisperers.
With Varys, Littlefinger, Grand Maester Pycelle, and Ser Barristan all cast, King Robert’s small council lacks only Lord Renly… and he’ll be joining them soon. (Sorry, you will need to wait for season two for Stannis, off brooding on Dragonstone). It is going to be amazing to see all these actors sitting down together at the council table…
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