The Suvudu Cage Match final is over. Alas, Ser Jaime lost in the last hour when a sudden rush of votes for his opponent washed out what had been a razor-thin lead.
Congratulations to Rand al’Thor and his legions of fans and admirers, to Brandon Sanderson, to Tor Books, and of course to the late Robert Jordan, aka Lord Jordayne of the Tor.
For Brandon Sanderson’s amusing postscript to the finals, check out:
Thanks to the good folk at Suvudu for running this. It was certainly a wild ride. IMNSHO, some of the comments got a little overheated and rancorous toward the end, but for the most part it was a lot of fun. I hope they take my suggestion and do the Mainstream Cage Match next. I want to see how Little Dorrit does against Don Quixote.
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