Yesterday’s signing at Page One went well. It’s always fun when the Wild Cards gang gets together, and we had a nice turnout and a lively crowd. Thanks to everyone who attended, to the good folks at Page One for hosting the event, and to Craig Chrissinger for acting as MC.
Those of you who weren’t able to attend can still pick up a hardcover first edition of BUSTED FLUSH signed by Melinda (Double Helix) Snodgrass, John Jos. (Carnifex) Miller, Carrie (Curveball) Vaughn, Caroline (Amazing Bubbles) Spector, Bud (Little Fat Boy) Simons, Ian (Genetrix) Tregillis, Victor (the Radical) Milan, and yours (the Great and Powerful Editor) truly by visiting Page One’s website at:
We signed a goodly stack of books, but the supply won’t last forever, so it’s first come, first served for the autographed copies.
And Page One will also be delighted to sell you autographed copies of Carrie’s latest Kitty book, Daniel Abraham’s AN AUTUMN WAR, Melinda’s EDGE OF REASON, the Green Ronin WILD CARDS rpg by John, HUNTER’S RUN signed by me and Daniel (but not Gardner), and John Maddox Robert’s latest SPQR mystery.
After the signing we all went off to Powdrell’s, ate us some barbeque, and talked about the Wild Cards books to come.
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