The Jack Vance tribute anthology, SONGS OF THE DYING EARTH, is complete, and has been delivered to our publishers at Subterranean Press, Tor Books, HarperCollins Voyager (in the UK), and Luitingh (n the Netherlands). Other foreign editions will no doubt follow. Jack Vance has a worldwide readership.
My co-editor Gardner Dozois and I are very proud of this one. The Dying Earth is one of the great settings in fantasy, right up there with Howard’s Hyborian Age and Tolkien’s Middle Earth, and it was great to be able to visit there again.
And the Subterranean Press edition, which will feature full-page interior illustrations by Tom Kidd for each story, looks to be especially nifty.
Copies of the limited edition are still available through the SubPress website at http://www.subterraneanpress.com/
So that’s one project off the plate.
Now all I need to do is wrap up WARRIORS and SUICIDE KINGS and… yes… A DANCE WITH DRAGONS, and maybe I’ll be able to take a week off. (The reason they call them deadlines is because they’re like to kill you).
I’ll keep you posted.
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