Here’s some cool stuff you can buy to stuff a stocking or slip under the tree.
The paperback of INSIDE STRAIGHT.
Or maybe the hardcover of BUSTED FLUSH, the sequel, which hits the stands on Tuesday.
Valyrian Resin is shipping their wonderful minibusts of Ned, Dany, and the Hound.
Here’s the variant version of Dany. To see the other busts or place an order, check out their website at http://yhst-59202637827545.stores.yahoo.net/
Or if you’d prefer figures in a smaller scale, that you can paint yourself, Dark Sword Miniatures have Melisandre, Jon Snow, Jaime and Cersei, the Knight of Flowers, and lots of other cool Ice & Fire pewter minis available at their online store at
The official 2009 SONG OF ICE AND FIRE calendar from the Dabel Brothers is now at the printers, Les Dabel tells me. It features wonderful art by Michael Komarck, and can be ordered from Amazon, or direct from the Dabels at
And then there’s Valyrian Steel, who are now shipping Longclaw, the first in their series of replica swords of the Seven Kingdoms.
Get your own bastard sword and give Santa a surprise when he comes squeezing down your chimney.
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