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Carrie Abroad

March 11, 2017 at 5:09 pm
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For all those of you benighted souls who do dwell in the Land of Enchantment, and therefore could not be on hand for Carrie Vaughn’s recent to the Jean Cocteau… here ’tis, in the living color.


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Autographed copies of MARTIANS ABROAD and many of Carrie’s other novels are available via mail order from the Jean Cocteau. Check out our website for a full listing, prices, and shipping costs.

Hap, Leonard, and Joe

March 11, 2017 at 12:43 pm
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JOE LANSDALE will be returning to Santa Fe on Monday, and we’ll be having fun times at the Jean Cocteau Cinema.

We’ll be doing an advance screening of the second season premiere of HAP & LEONARD, starring (as one of my fans pointed out) Mark Antony and Omar. Mucho Mojo! The first season was great fun, and I expect the second season will be as well.

But don’t take my word for it. Come see for yourself. Admission is FREE.

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Joe will introduce the episode, and take questions afterwards.

And hey, OF COURSE he will be signing books as well.

Should be a hoot and a half. Don’t miss it.

(And keep an eye out for our forthcoming author events as well — John Scalzi, Connie Willis, John Nichols, and H.P. LOVECRAFT! Getcha tickets now!)

Did I mention that admission is FREE?

Season 7 Is Coming

March 10, 2017 at 2:36 pm
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Seven gods, seven kingdoms, seven books (eventually)… seven seasons.

The seventh season of GAME OF THRONES is on its way. HBO has released their first teaser.


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Oh, and I almost forgot… HBO has also announced the premiere date: Sunday, JULY 16.

There will be gala premieres as usual, of course. Not sure of the details on those yet. But I do know that we hope to have another premiere party right here in Santa Fe, at the Jean Cocteau Cinema… and that we will be running a Season 6 marathon in the weeks running up to the new season, so you can refresh yourselves on what happened last year, and enjoy all the action on our big medium-sized screen.

And speaking of season 6, if you enjoyed the show and would like to nominate us for a Hugo Award, you have only eight days left. Nominations close on March 18. GAME OF THRONES is eligible in two categories. You can nominate the season as whole in Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form (which is what I favor, personally), or you can nominate individual episodes in Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form. (Or you could do both, if you were so inclined). If you are inclined to take the second course, the episodes most likely to make this year’s (extremely competitive) ballot are “The Door” and “Battle of the Bastards” IMNSHO. “Battle of the Bastards” won Emmy Awards for both writing and directing this year, and “The Door” was also a finalist for directing.

((And though I am of course hopelessly prejudiced toward GOT, I will be the first to proclaim that this was an outstanding year for drama in both categories. The first seasons of WESTWORLD and STRANGER THINGS are also worthy of being nominated for Long Form, along side last year’s best SF movie, ARRIVAL. In Short Form I loved “Leviathan Wakes,” the final episode of season one of THE EXPANSE, and two great episodes of BLACK MIRROR, “San Junipero” and “Hated in the Nation.” I would love to see all of them earn spots on the ballot… along with GOT ))

But enough about last year. A new season is coming.

July 16. Mark your calendars.

No, No, No

March 10, 2017 at 8:30 am
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Jay Cutler?

Please no.

Let it be a rumor. Let it be a lie.

Not Jay Cutler.

Say it ain’t so.

Coax Brett Favre out of retirement. Bring back Mark Sanchez. Bring back Chad Pennington. Sign Fitz for another year.

Just not Jay Cutler, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.



March 7, 2017 at 11:57 am
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PUBLISHER’S WEEKLY just broke the story here so now that we’ve gone public, I’m jazzed to be able to announce a huge new deal for WILD CARDS.

Our uber-agent, Kay McCauley of Aurous, has just come to agreement with the good folks at Tor for nine (yes, count ’em, nine) more volumes, a combination of old and new titles that will keep the series going until 2020, at the least.

Five of those titles will be reissues. Tor will be bringing out new trade paperback editions of volumes eight through twelve from the original series run: ONE-EYED JACKS, JOKERTOWN SHUFFLE, DOUBLE SOLITAIRE, DEALER’S CHOICE, and TURN OF THE CARDS, all of which have been out of print for more than twenty years (as the escalating prices on ebay have demonstrated). That quintet contains the first two solo novels in the run of the series. DOUBLE SOLITAIRE was a solo by Melinda M. Snodgrass, a space opera in the grand style starring Dr. Tachyon, Popinjay, Cap’n Trips and his friends, and the most despised villain in Wild Cards history, Blaise Andrieux. TURN OF THE CARDS was Victor Milan’s solo outing, featuring Trips and friends. In between we have a full mosaic in DEALER’S CHOICE, the climax of the Rox War, with storylines by Edward Bryant (Wyungare, Cordelia, and Sewer Jack), Walter Jon Williams (Modular Man), John Jos. Miller (Carnifex), Stephen Leigh (Bloat), and yours truly (the Great and Powerful Turtle).

Before any of those three, however, we have ONE-EYED JACKS and JOKERTOWN SHUFFLE, volumes eight and nine, which set up all that follows. With those two, our intent is to add some new original never-before-published stories, just as we did with the reissues of volumes one and four, to sweeten the pot and turn the excitement right up to eleven. Stay turned for more news on that front.

In addition to the five reissues, Tor will also be releasing four new books in hardcover.

One will be a collection. FULL HOUSE will reprint all the of the Wild Cards stories that have appeared on the website, the first time any of those tales have been on paper. The table of contents will include work from Daniel Abraham, Cherie Priest, David D. Levine, Walter Jon Williams, Paul Cornell, Carrie Vaughn (x2), Caroline Spector, Stephen Leigh, Melinda M. Snodgrass… and a few more players to be named later. Watch this space for more details, and for more stories.

Last but not least, we will have three more originals. Assuming FULL HOUSE slips in there as volume twenty-seven, the new books will be volumes twenty-eight, twenty-nine, and thirty of the overall series. (Though, as ever, you do NOT need to read all the books that have gone before to read and enjoy the new ones.).

We’re in very early days in planning the new books, so I cannot tell you much about them as yet… but I will share a few tidbits, so long as you promise not to hold me to ’em. (Things do have a way of changing in this game). One of the new books is going to be another solo novel, from a terrific writer we have not seen nearly enough of in WILD CARDS. Another one promises to take the action back into space. And the third will move the focus across the Atlantic, to the British Isles. To help us write that last one, we’ve added some exciting new writers to the madhouse that is Wild Cards. Wait till you meet their characters!

Oh, and for all our Wild Cards readers on that side of the pond… HarperCollins Voyager will be publishing the three new books as well, I’m pleased to announce, as well as the three books that precede them, MISSISSIPPI ROLL and LOW CHICAGO and TEXAS HOLD ‘EM.

With the television show in development, the new web site, the reread going on over at, and all these new books in the pipeline, this is an exciting time to be a Wild Cards fan. (And we do hope that you will remember Wild Cards when making your Hugo nominations too!)

We can’t die yet! We haven’t seen the Jolson Story!

2018 SoI&F Calendar Artist Eric Velhagen #GRRMinion

March 7, 2017 at 9:30 am
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This is Minion Raya speaking to share some exciting news on behalf of GRRM.

George is proud to be the first to announce production and progress on the official SONG OF ICE AND FIRE calendar for 2018 which will feature brand spanking new illustrations by painter Eric Velhagen.

It’s a new year and we here at Fevre River are far too exited to keep this news to ourselves and wanted to share some of the next year’s fantastic art.

And here it is, the new cover for our 2018 calendar featuring Victarion Greyjoy in his armored splendor and giving us all that iron islander realness we would expect from one of the Greyjoy boys.

Eric's loose painterly style will also bring eleven other moments from Westeros to life for your viewing pleasure.

And Victorian here is just the beginning!

Here is another one of Eric’s wildly talented paintings to wet your appetite till next year.

And a link to the rest of Eric’s outstanding body of work:


Wild Card Blogs and Samples

March 6, 2017 at 4:26 pm
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A few odds and ends on the Wild Cards front…

For those curious about the history of Wild Cards development in Hollywood, Melinda Snodgrass has a new post up on the Wild Cards blog at

Over at, the Wild Cards ReRead is well under way, presided over by Katy Rask. They are discussing book one. Join in at

Meanwhile, on my own website, I’ve got a new sample up from the next Wild Cards original in the pipeline, MISSISSIPPI ROLL. Get a taste of “Wingless Angel” by John Jos. Miller; Carnifex and the Midnight Angel in New Orleans. You’ll find it at

Happy reading, aces.

Coming to Santa Fe

March 3, 2017 at 9:37 pm
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We have some really cool events scheduled for the Jean Cocteau in March and April.

On Monday, March 13, we’ll be screening the second season premiere of HAP & LEONARD, and Joe R. Lansdale his own self will be returning to Santa Fe to host the show, talk some, and scrawl in some of your books.

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Then, just a few days later, on Thursday March 16 and Friday March 17, H.P. LOVECRAFT will be returning from the dead, to our stage. That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die. Aiee aiee shub niggarath, the goat with a thousand young…

On Saturday, April 8, we have a special screening of the classic animated film WATERSHIP DOWN. We’re doing this one in connection with Rabbit Rescue, who will be offering free pet bunnies for the attendees to take home. C’mon, boys and girls, help Hazel and Bigwig find a new warren.

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On Saturday April 15, JOHN NICHOLS, author of the MILAGRO BEANFIELD WAR and many other great titles, will be visiting us for some conversation and booksigning, and we’ll be screening the film of his novel in honor of his visit.

Just two days later, on Monday April 17, JOHN SCALZI will be in town on his COLLAPSING EMPIRE book tour. We’ll talk, he’ll sign, a good time will be had by all.

And on April 21-22, we’ll have a return visit from the magician FRANCIS MENOTTI, who stumped Penn & Teller and filled the JCC the last time he was in town.

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A number of these events are a good bet to sell out, so if you’d like to join us for any of them, I’d advise going to our website to secure your tickets now.

Re-Read Time!

March 3, 2017 at 3:05 pm
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The Wild Cards Re-Read has kicked off over at

First up: book one, WILD CARDS. That makes sense.

Go join the fun at

To Jetboy!

Jets? Jets? Jets???

March 3, 2017 at 2:59 pm
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What the hell are the Jets doing?

Damned if I know. “Cleaning house,” some say. Maybe so. From where I sit, “Getting rid of all of my favorite players” would be more accurate.

Brandon Marshall. Darrell Revis. Nick Mangold. And there are rumors that Eric Decker may be next.

That’s their best two receivers and their best lineman. Yes, Nick was getting old, and he was injured last year. Yes, Darrell was not the shutdown corner he was. Yes, all of them were expensive, and old, or getting old.

Still… is there anyone on the roster to replace them? Gang Green created tons of salary cap room with these moves, but does that help anyone but Woody Johnson? Salary cap room is great if you use it to bring in blue chip free agents, but what free agent would want to come to the Jets now?

Maybe the idea is to lose ALL the games next year, to get the number one draft pick. I haven’t even paid much attention to the 2017 draft yet, the 2018 draft is completely off my radar. Is there some new John Elway/ Peyton Manning/ Andrew Luck calibre can’t-miss quarterback prospect that the Jets are looking toward a year and a half out?

I fear I am in for a lot of painful Sundays next fall.
