I write most days, sometimes into the evenings.
At night, after supper, I read, watch television, or screen movies (I used to love going to the movies, since the best place to see a film is in a theatre with an audience around you, but the pandemic has put an end to that for the nonce).
A couple of things I have really enjoyed lately…
Parris and I binged on HBO’s adaptation of Philip Pullman’s HIS DARK MATERIALS when I was back in Santa Fe, and loved it. Gorgeous production, great cast (loved Lin-Manuel as the aeronaut), and SO much better than the feature film. Plus armored bears. Can’t go wrong with armored bears. The world needs more armored bears. All the daemons are cool too. (Hate that damn monkey). If you’re a Pullman fan, give this a look. And if you’re not, watch it anyway, it may make you a Pullman fan.
And for something completely different, there’s BLINDED BY THE LIGHT, a lovely little feel-good film (based on a true story) about a Pakistani kid in Luton, England who becomes the world’s biggest Bruce Springsteen fan. I think I’ve seen this one four times already. Every time the shift changes and a new minion arrives at my fortress of solitude, I watch it again so they can see it. When I am feeling down, this one brings me back up. The Boss knows all the secrets of life… but, hey, he’s from Jersey! The music canNOT be beat, and I like some of the choices the filmmakers made, like the lyrics coming up on screen. With rare exceptions, I am not usually a big fan of musicals… but this one rocks. (If it even counts as a musical).
Current Mood: geeky