Not a Blog

Season Three!!!

March 31, 2013

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Tonight’s the night!

The wait is over.

Season Three is at hand.

Be sure to tune in. Even those of you who “don’t have HBO.” HBO is doing a big promotion this weekend, so it’s free on many cable systems and satellite services right now.

I have seen episode one three times now, at various premieres, and I think it kicks ass. I hope you all agree. Season Three bids fair to be the strongest to date.

For those new to the Not A Blog, let me add my annual disclaimer. I hope you watch the show, and I hope you talk about, all the things you liked and hated… but not here. This is not the place for critiques, discussions, theories, whatever. There are dozens of other places on the internet better suited for that, so post your thoughts on Westeros, Tower of the Hand, Winter Is Coming, Television Without Pity, or any one of the myriad other sites that welcome such.

Time to buy the beer and order that pizza for the premiere.

Current Mood: null null

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