Here’s a shout out to all my friends and readers in Spain.
I should really write this post in Spanish. Unfortunately, I don’t speak Spanish. Alas, I have always been crap with languages other than English (yes, even Dothraki and High Valyrian, and those are simple compared to Ghiscari). I blush to admit that after living in New Mexico for more than thirty years, all the Spanish I have picked up consists of words like “burrito” and “sopapilla” and “chimichanga.” Oh, and “farolito,” but only around Christmas.
But never mind about my personal failings. I may suck at Spanish, but I love Spain. Parris and I have visited twice, and always had such a wonderful time. The Semana Negra, held every summer in Gijon, is one of our favorite conventions/ festivals/ fairs/ carnivals/ literary gatherings in the whole world, and we hope to go back again. And the Spanish fans are amazing.
So… here’s various bits of news just for my Spanish readers.
The HBO series will be shown in Spain on Canal +. We do have an official premiere date from them, I’m pleased to say. They will be airing the first episode on May 9.
Canal + has set up a Spanish website for the series. You can find it at http://www.canalplus.es/juegodetronos.
They’re also been translating many of the HBO teasers and trailers, and adding some original content of their own, including introducing and commentary by the noted Spanish filmmaker Alex de la Iglesia. You can check out some of the Canal + videos at http://www.canalplus.es/juego-tronos/videos .
Finally, I wanted to give a shout-out to our friends at the Generacion X bookshop in Madrid, who hosted a wonderful signing for us the last time I visited Spain. ((My fingers are still cramped from that one.)) If you’re looking for an Ice & Fire t-shirt, Generacion X is the place to go. They are now carrying a full line of tees featuring the heraldry of some of the major houses of the Seven Kingdoms : Stark, Lannister, Targaryen, Greyjoy, and Baratheon.
These are NOT the HBO designs, I should add. Those are available through HBO’s On-Line store athttp://store.hbo.com/ No, these are Generacion X’s own versions of the original line of t-shirts offered by Mystic Spiral Traders ( http://www.georgerrmartin.com/t-shirts.html ). The Mystic Spiral designs have been unavailable for some time (Parris lost her silk screener, is what happened, but does plan to reopen if she can ever find a new one half as good as the one she lost), but now, thanks to Generacion X, those great designs from Moria Peters and Raya Golden will once again be available.
Of course, the Generacion X shirts will not be exactly like Mystic Spiral’s versions. The text is all in Spanish, for a start, and our friends in Madrid have played with the colors some, and used their own inks, fabrics, etc. But they’ve sent us a big box of the shirts, and we think they’re nifty… so if you’d like a tee with a Spanish flair, give them a ring.
You can email the shop at gestion@generacionx.es or phone them in Madrid at 91-447-07-46. They have a website too, I believe, but just now I can’t seem to find it.
So… that’s the latest from Spain. Parris and I both hope to return for another Semana Negra soon. Until then, we send all our best to our friends at Generacion X, Canal +, Gigamesh, and of course the wild and wonderful fans of Asshai. Let’s have another chorus of “Un Oso…”
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