… or at least to Northern Ireland, which is about the closest we can come in the real world.
Sky Television has just announced a contest to help promote the April 18 debut of GAME OF THRONES in the United Kingdom.
The grand prize winners gets a week in Northern Ireland, with accomodation at the Killyleagh Castle Towers as well as a trip to Castle Ward and Tollymore Forest Park, major locations while filming the show. “Rumour has it that it contains magical woodland and mysterious medieval ruins!” sayeth Sky. (And maybe you can wheedle a visit to Castle Black as well, though that doesn’t seem to be on the itinerary).
Five runners up will win a tie in edition of Game of Thrones book and a set of all four titles in the Song of Fire and Ice series.
To sign up for the contest, go to:
I suspect the contest is only open to SKY subscribers resident in the UK or the Republic of Ireland, but I haven’t looked closely at the rules, so maybe someone who has can confirm that.
I have never stayed at Killyleagh Castle Towers myself, but Parris and I both loved Belfast. Where they once built the TITANIC… and, as all the Belfast cabbies will tell you, a lot of ships that didn’t sink.
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