The boys and girls at Fantasy Flight Games have really been kicking ass lately. Two new Ice & Fire releases are either in the stores or on the way.
First, there’s BATTLES OF WESTEROS, a brand new — well, I don’t know, would you call it a board game, a miniatures game, a war game? — whatever it is, it looks great. Based on the BattleLore system that FFG acquired. Fight your own Stark/ Lannister wars.
I’ve just received my own copies of this one. FFG has done a bang-up job, as always. The games should be in your favorite neighborhood game shop now. If not, hey, find a new favorite neighborhood game shop.
For more info on BATTLES OF WESTEROS, check out their website at:
Meanwhile, on other fronts, Fantasy Flight is also preparing to release a second edition of their art book, THE ART OF GEORGE R.R. MARTIN’S A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE (whew). The first edition was a big hit a few years back, but has been out of print and unavailble for some time. We’ve added some new art, replaced some old art (but kept most of the great stuff from the first edition, natch) freshened up the design, and FFG will soon be re-releasing the book for all those of you who missed the first one.
The art book should be available this summer from FFG, Amazon, or your local bookstore.
http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_minisite.asp?eidm=121&enmi=The Art of A Song of Ice & Fire
And… even better… FFG is now putting together a SECOND art book, with all new Ice & Fire artwork from their stable of kickass illustrators. More on that later.
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