Wild Cards fans have a lot to look forward to in the next couple of years, in addition to the Marvel comics series announced below.
We have three new books in the pipeline. FULL HOUSE will be a collection of some of the stand-alone stories that been published online on Tor.com in the past few years, but have never before appeared in print. Contributing writers will include Daniel Abraham, Victor C. Milan, Caroline Spector, Carrie Vaughn, David D. Levine, Paul Cornell, Melinda M. Snodgrass, Stephen Leigh, Walter Jon Williams, and Marko Kloos. It’s a great bunch of stories, featuring some of your favorite characters. FULL HOUSE is scheduled for hardcover publication on AUGUST 2.
And further ahead we have two brand new volumes of originals, just delivered last year and as yet unscheduled.
PAIRING UP will feature tales of love and lust in the world of ace and jokers. We’ll have stories from Walton (Bud) Simons, Brad Denton, Peter Newman, Gwenda Bond, Christopher Rowe, Marko Kloos, Melinda M. Snodgrass, and Kevin Andrew Murphy.
And then we’ll have SLEEPER STRADDLES, untold tales about the wildest card of them all, Roger Zelazny’s Sleeper, Croyd Crenson. Chronicling the Sleeper’s adventures will be Christopher Rowe, William F. Wu, Carrie Vaughn, Walter Jon Williams, Mary Anne Mohanraj, Max Gladstone, and Cherie Priest.
Keep watching this space for further news — the WILD CARDS tv show is still in development — and keep on shuffling. You’re all aces.
Current Mood: busy