Best Fan Writer. That’s a clear cut category.
My recommendation is ADAM WHITEHEAD, for his work on his blog THE WERTZONE.
He’s come close a couple times, but has yet to make the ballot. Maybe this is the year.
Take a read, and judge for yourselves:
I’d also love to suggest KATY RASK, who writes the marvelous Wild Cards Reread posts for Tor.com. However, my understanding is that Tor.com pays her for those columns, which makes her ineligible. Which is a pity, since she does a great job. Take a look at one of her posts for a taste:
SFF Archaeology: Excavating the Superhero World of the Wild Card Series
Good stuff, I think, and there’s lot’s more where that came from. Read the whole series, and you’ll be as impressed as I am.
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