We’ve just added two more titles to the Signed Books page at the Jean Cocteau: the Jack Vance tribute anthology, SONGS OF THE DYING EARTH, and SONGS OF LOVE AND DEATH, original tales of star-crossed love.
While the supply lasts… which will not be long… these will be available in both hardcover and paperback, with autographs from both me and my co-editor Gardner Dozois. ((Hard to get both, since Gardner and I are seldom in the same place at the same time, especially these days)).
For those who want to stand up to the bullies and rabids and their Tor boycott, please note that SONGS OF THE DYING EARTH was published by Tor. (They were also Jack Vance’s publisher for most of the last few decades).
SONGS OF LOVE AND DEATH was published by Fallery Books in hardcover and Pocket Books in paperback, and contains work by Jim Butcher, Diana Gabaldon, and many more.
We have also added some new titles (all SIGNED) by Jo Walton, Susan Orlean (her biography of Rin Tin Tin is fascinating reading) and Anne Perry, among others.
Check them all out at http://www.jeancocteaubooks.com/