… I am thrilled to report that we’ve completed and delivered the latest Wild Cards mosaic novel, HIGH STAKES. The day before I left for Chicago, I shipped off the massive (truly) manuscript to Diana Pho, our new editor at Tor.
HIGH STAKES is the third and concluding volume in the triad that began with FORT FREAK and continued with LOWBALL. Aces and jokers and Lovecraftian horrors, what more could you ask?
The contributing writers this time around are Melinda M. Snodgrass, John Jos. Miller, David Anthony Durham, Caroline Spector, Stephen Leigh, and Ian Tregillis. Featured viewpoint characters, respectively: Francis Xavier (Franny) Black, the Midnight Angel, Marcus (Infamous Black Tongue) Morgan, the Amazing Bubbles, Barbara (Babel) Baden, and Mollie (Tesseract) Steunenberg. You’ll also see plenty of Lohengrin, Carnifex, Hoodoo Mama, Baba Yaga, and all sorts of other characters, both new and old.
As usual, it was a bitch to edit. But I think you’ll like it.
Look for it next year, in the spring. More details when I have ’em.
And meanwhile… YES!… another monkey off my back!!!