The cowardice is contagious, it would appear.
In the comments to my last post, several of my readers suggested that we follow the lead of the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin and show TEAM AMERICA: WORLD POLICE at the Cocteau, since Sony has wimped out and pulled THE INTERVIEW.
It sounded like a great idea, so we took immediate steps to do so.
Only to learn that Paramount has now decided to withdraw TEAM AMERICA: WORLD POLICE from exhibition. We won't be allowed to show the film, and neither will Alamo, nor any of the other independent venues that wanted to use TA:WP to replace THE INTERVIEW.
Regal. AMC. Cinemark. Sony. And now Paramount. Where does it end?
I guess I should contact our new North Korean masters to ask them what movies we will be allowed to show at the Cocteau.
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