We have an amazing lineup of author events at the Jean Cocteau this month.
Tonight, we're playing host to CONNIE WILLIS, SFWA Grand Master, past worldcon Guest of Honor, author of BLACKOUT, ALL CLEAR, DOMESDAY BOOK, PASSAGE, REPLAY, "The Secret of Santa Titicaca," and many classic short stories, and winner of more Hugo and Nebula awards than any other author, male or female, living or dead.

A few weeks down the road, on Monday, April 21, we will be welcoming the Pulitzer-Prize-winning novelist JUNOT DIAZ, author of THIS IS HOW YOU LOSE HER and THE BRIEF WONDROUS LIFE OF OSCAR WAO. The last time Junot was in Santa Fe, he filled the Lensic Theatre with its 850 seats. The Cocteau has only 125, so if you'd like to hear him talk and get a book signed, call the theatre and reserve your place NOW.

A few days after Junot, on Thursday April 24, another megastar will be in town: bestselling mystery writer and historical novelist ANNE PERRY, whose bibliography includes 19 volumes in her William Monk series, 28 in the Thomas Pitt series, as well as fantasies, YA novels, stand-alones, and Christmas books. I intend to ask her how in the world she can possibly be so prolific. Maybe some of it will rub off on me.

Our author events at the Cocteau usually include an interview or dialogue with me or another host, a Q&A with the audience, sometimes a reading, always a booksigning. Admission is FREE with the purchase of a hardcover, $5 with the purchase of a paperback, $10 without a book purchase.
Most of our past author events have been sold out, so if you'd like to hear Connie, Junot Diaz, or Anne Perry, call the Cocteau at 444-5528 and reserve your book, and your place, now.
See you at the booksigning.
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