FWIW, I have been having some annoying internet problems ever since I returned from New York. While I was away, my webmaster switched me to a new server, one that would supposedly provide better service than the one I’d been using, which had broken down several times during the last year. But the change created more problems than it solved. The new server could not handle my site’s traffic, it seems, so it kept shutting us down every time our bandwidth was exceeded, which appeared to happen every other day. Whenever that happened, a notice would go up that my site had been “suspended,” and my email would cut out as well.
Anyway, we fixed that, not once but several times, but not without difficulties, and when it finally became apparent that the problem would keep recurring, we junked the new host and went back to the old one. And even that is not without problems. We lost the site again, got it back up, lost email, recovered it… but only partially. At the moment, I can receive email, but for the past two days I have not been able to send any out. So if you’ve sent me email and are awaiting a response… well, you’ll need to wait longer, until we get this all fixed. My webmaster and my assistant are working on it.
Meanwhile, in hopes of a more permanent solution, I have taken the first steps to moving the site to the big servers at Random House, which should be able to handle ANY amount of web traffic. The RH tech wizards are now getting involved. There may be more disruption during the changeover, but my hope is that once the move is done, all these problems will be behind us.
Right now the site will be moving in its present form, but we’re also in the midst of a complete redesign. A whole new look. I hope you’ll like it.
Anyway… thanks for all your patience, and if you notice that my site is down again today or tomorrow or whenever, that’s why. No need to email me about it. I know. Believe me, I know. And while I might be able to read your email, I would not be able to answer it in any case.
Current Mood: null