We’ve added a couple cool new things to the official Wild Cards website.
First off, a new blog post about Superworld, the role-playing game that inspired Wild Cards, from Steve Perrin, who created it.
Also, we’ve added a brand new art gallery at http://www.wildcardsworld.com/art-gallery/
Thing is, there’s no art in the art gallery… yet. That’s where we hope you will come in. We want Wild Cards art! Yes, we’ll be putting up some of the superb cover art and interior illustrations that the books have featured over the decades, but we also hope this page will be a place to showcase some fan art, and maybe discover some new talent.
So if you’ve got that restless urge to draw, and own a paintbrush or a box of colored pencils, we’d love to see what you can do. There’s a link right on the page where you can send your work. Everything that’s appropriate will be posted (please note, we want Wild Cards artwork ONLY, so don’t send us portraits of Jon Snow or Daenerys Targaryen, or Harry Potter, or Spider-Man, or ANYTHING that is not Wild Cards inspired).
Also, if you look through the author bios and character sketches elsewhere on the site, you’ll note that there are many Wild Cards characters who have NEVER been illustrated. We’ve love to have some thumbnails to add to those entries. We don’t promise to accept anything or everything… but for those who send us something cool enough to make the cut, we have free autographed hardcovers of INSIDE STRAIGHT.
Fly high, aces.