… hey, the aliens are amongst us.
Every bag infused with xenovirus Takis-A. Will YOU be an ace? Crunch a few and find out.
Current Mood: null
… hey, the aliens are amongst us.
Every bag infused with xenovirus Takis-A. Will YOU be an ace? Crunch a few and find out.
Current Mood: null
I’ve received my schedule for the Chicago Comics Expo next month (see my Appearances page for a link with further details as to date, place, etc.)
I’m coming in to promote the release of the first issue of the FEVRE DREAM comic, scripted by Daniel Abraham (of Albuquerque) and illustrated by Rafa Lopez (of Spain).
Here are the scheduled public functions:
12 noon – 2pm signing at Avatar booth
4 pm – 6 pm signing at Avatar booth
8pm – 10pm Avatar Friday Night Event – reading from A DANCE WITH DRAGONS
(this item requires a separate admission, available from Avatar)
11 am – 1pm signing at Avatar booth
3 pm – 6 pm signing at Avatar booth
11:15 am – 12:15 noon Q&A panel, room E353
1 pm – 4 pm signing at Avatar booth
As you can see, I will be spending a lot of time hanging at the Avatar booth. I expect there will be some “down times” when I’ll be glad to chat… but that depends on the crowds. I have never done this con before, so I don’t know what to expect.
Avatar will have copies of the first issue of FEVRE DREAM for sale at their booth, and I am told they also plan to stock many of my books.
Current Mood: null