Page One Bookstore in Albuquerque has scheduled a booksigning for BUSTED FLUSH, the latest Wild Cards mosaic novel from Tor.
The details:
PAGE ONE, 11018 Montgomery Blvd NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Saturday, March 7, 2009
4:00-6:00 pm
This will be a joint signing with John Maddox Roberts, whose new SPQR mystery novel will just have been released. If you haven’t read John’s SPQR books, I recommend them. They’re set in the late Republic, and JMR evokes the time and characters vividly.
On the Wild Cards side, BUSTED FLUSH contributors Melinda M. Snodgrass, Ian Tregillis, John Jos. Miller, Caroline Spector, Walton (Bud) Simons, Carrie Vaughn, and Victor Milan have all confirmed their appearance… so Double Helix, the Genetrix, Carnifex, the Amazing Bubbles, Little Fat Boy, Curveball, and the Radical will all be represented by their creators. And I’ll be there signing too, of course. Several other Wild Carders should also be on hand to kibbitz, so you can get signatures on your INSIDE STRAIGHT paperbacks and even some of the earlier volumes as well.
Page One has promised to have good stocks of the other titles by all of the participating authors, so this will also be a great chance for you to get Carrie Vaughn to sign your Kitty books, Melinda to inscribe your copy of THE EDGE OF REASON, Vic to scrawl in his latest Rogue Angel title, John to autograph the Wild Cards RPG from Green Ronin, etc. And yes, of course, I’ll be glad to sign ICE & FIRE books.
So if you’re in New Mexico or environs that weekend, drop by Page One, meet John Maddox Roberts and the Busted Flushers, get your books defaced, and help support our local independent bookseller.
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