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NYC Subway Reads delivers SANDKINGS to commuters #GRRMinion

October 19, 2016 at 6:11 pm
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Good News New Yorkers, last week our friends over at Penguin Random House in conjunction with NYC Subway Transit Wireless rolled out a new program to help ease boredom during your commute.

And here it is, a shiny new link to SUBWAY READS

On Sunday, Subway Reads started delivering novellas, short stories or excerpts from full-length books to passengers’ cellphones or tablets.

The idea is for riders to download a short story or a chapter and read it on the train. Subway Reads will even let riders choose what to read based on how long they will be on the subway — a 10-page selection for a 10-minute ride, a 20-page selection for a 20-minute excursion, a 30-page selection for a 30-minute trip. Delays not included.

And one of the top stories available now to read is GRRM'S chilling horror tale SANDKINGS.

And here is the LINK leading to the Free Transit Wireless Wifi station map for availability in your area.

Happy Reading!


Once Upon An Election…

October 19, 2016 at 11:59 am
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We’re on the cusp of the third and final (thank god) presidential debate of the 2016 presidential election. All the signs point to this one being even uglier than the last, which itself was the ugliest debate in the history of our nation.

Most of you reading this are younger than me. You may not know what presidential debates used to be like… what they should be like… but I remember.

Take a look below. (But be warned. You may find it boring. Serious discussions of policy are a lot less “exciting” than what we have today).

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The Lincoln/ Douglas debates were pretty impressive as well, but alas, no video exists. ;(


Godzilla Stomps on Santa Fe

October 14, 2016 at 2:20 pm
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The big green guy with the bad bad breath is back… and the Jean Cocteau has him.

SHIN GODZILLA, the first new Japanese Godzilla film in ages, is showing at selected theatres around the country for a limited run, and we’re one of the theatres selected! (The only one in New Mexico, I believe).

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It IS a limited run, though, and we have only two more screenings remaining — Saturday afternoon at 1:00 pm, Sunday evening at 7:30 — so if you want to get your kaiju fix for the year, go the Cocteau website and snap your tickets up now.

NEW Valyrian Steel Blades

October 10, 2016 at 11:18 am
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This post is brought to you by the Minions of Fevre River…

#GRRMinion 🙂

Howdy All,

We Minions here at Fevre River wanted to let you in on some great new products brought to you by our friends at Valyrian Steel.

This time Valyrian Steel is bringing to life, for your pleasure, a set of two blades belonging to the dashing Daario and the recently acquired and renamed Oathkeeper, last seen in the possession of Brienne of Tarth.  Both of these blades are based on the Book series versions, but keep an eye out as our friends at Jalic regularly put out great work based on the television series as well.

Have a look at these impressive reproductions, they can come in damascus or classic steel and each have a lovely letter of authenticity as well as a decorative plaque to mount on your wall and intimidate burglars.

Have a look:

And here are some links to the order pages:

Here is the oathkeeper listing
Here is the daario listing

These outstanding reproductions will only be available on a limited run so get your soon!

Thanks everyone!

This post is brought to you by the Minions of Fevre River…

Special Boxed GoT 20th Anniversary edition

October 9, 2016 at 12:11 pm
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*This Message has been brought to you by the Minions of Fevre River*

We’re happy to announce in conjunction with Random House publishing and other amazing licensee’s of SoI&F such as Dark Sword Miniatures, Shire Post, and Fantasy Flight Games;

The 20th Anniversary Edition of A Game of Thrones BOXED EDITION.

As part of the celebration Random House is releasing not only the book itself, which is fully illustrated and leather bound, but also three special LIMITED editions that will include exclusive hand picked items in a gorgeous wooden display box.

Random House will be hosting a live online unboxing event on Face Book page tomorrow if you want to catch this live sneak peak showing of just what to expect in one of their special, limited, and ultra limited editions of the one and only GRRM box.

If you’re more of a hands on kind of person the Box itself will be displayed at the PRH booth at New York Comic Con from October 6-9th.

These boxes will only be available for a short time, with only 200 Ultra Limited Editions available, so check out the website listed below to get a better idea of all the excitement.

And to sweeten the pot for you guys Random House will be giving a FREE Stark Ornament to the first 1,000 pre-orders!

Check it out and get caught up in the Game all over again!


Signed Books at the JCC

October 7, 2016 at 12:50 pm
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The illustrated anniversary hardcover edition of A GAME OF THRONES is scheduled for release on October 18. They will be available across the nation from your favorite local bookstore or online bookseller.

We also expect to have a couple hundred for sale the Jean Cocteau Cinema Bookstore, and available by mail order. And those will be signed (my manager twisted my arm). ((Sorry, no personalizations or inscriptions, just straight signatures)).

To preorder, go to

We also have on hand RIGHT NOW some autographed hardcovers of the latest Wild Cards book for Tor, HIGH STAKES. These are signed by yours truly, and by John J. Miller, one of the writers.

Of course, ALL the books sold by the JCC are autographed by the authors, so we also have many other titles available signed. Here are a few of them:

To check out the full list, go to

And happy reading.


October 6, 2016 at 12:37 pm
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Sports are not bringing me a lot of joy this week.

Not only did the Giants and Jets both suffer painful losses over the weekend, but the Mets are got eliminated in the wild card game in baseball. One and done.

Life is meaningless and full of pain.

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Rolling on the River

October 1, 2016 at 4:07 pm
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The old MAVERICK tv series (one of my childhood favorites) had a great theme song with a line about Maverick “living on jacks and queens.” In the Wild Cards series, we prefer aces and jokers.

And you’ll find plenty of both in MISSISSIPPI ROLL, the latest Wild Cards mosaic novel, which we’ve just completed and delivered to our editors at Tor. This is the first book in what we’re calling our ‘American Triad’ (to be followed, in good time, by LOW CHICAGO and TEXAS HOLD’EM), and the twenty-fourth volume of the overall series… but no, it’s not necessary to have read the first twenty-three to enjoy this one.

The lineup this time out:
Stephen Leigh “In the Shadow of Tall Stacks”
John Jos. Miller “Wingless Angel”
Carrie Vaughn “A Big Break in the Small Time”
Cherie Priest “Death on the Water”
Kevin Andrew Murphy “Find the Lady”
David D. Levine “Under the Arch”

No publication date yet, but you’ll be the first to know as soon as we get the word from Tor.

HIGH STAKES was one of our darkest books, an excursion into Lovecraftian horror. MISSISSIPPI ROLL will have a much lighter tone, but plenty of fun and excitement.

I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I did editing it.

Spiders! And Neil Gaiman!

October 1, 2016 at 3:48 pm
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Not for arachnophobes)

If you’ve driven past the Jean Cocteau Cinema today, you may have noticed a giant spider crawling up the side of our building at 418 Montezuma.

That’s because tomorrow night we are premiering SIXTEEN LEGS!

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Neil Gaiman himself will be skyping in to introducer the film. And we have the Tasmanian film makers on hand as well.

Giant Tasmanian Cave Spiders and Neil Gaiman!! What more could you possibly want???

I’m Number Four

September 29, 2016 at 1:43 pm
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The fourth most powerful writer in Hollywood, that is.

Or so says The Hollywood Reporter:

I seem to recall dimly that I was number seven a few years ago, so I guess I am getting more powerful by the day. Soon I will rule the world.

Actually, though… I am delighted to see so many of my friends and colleagues on the list this year. They’ve got Diana Gabaldon at #14, Ernie Cline at #12, Gillian Flynn at #11, Dennis Lehane at #10, Neil Gaiman at #9, and Stephen King at #2. All writers I’ve published, worked with, hosted at the Jean Cocteau, and just been friends with, for varying lengths of time. All amazing talents, too. As are the other authors on the list, the ones I don’t know.

As to how much “power” any writer actually has, however… well, that’s another question.