When winter comes, what’s better than a glass of milk and some nice cookies?
GAME OF THRONES Oreos now on sale at your local supermarket.
No, really.
It is NOT April 1.
Current Mood: amused
When winter comes, what’s better than a glass of milk and some nice cookies?
GAME OF THRONES Oreos now on sale at your local supermarket.
No, really.
It is NOT April 1.
Current Mood: amused
Okay, it’s April 2, time to fess up.
Yesterday’s Wild Cards post, the leaked footage and all, was our April Fools prank.
I hope we fooled some of you, and gave you a few moments of fun… or horror.
But no, we are not doing Wild Cards as a daytime soap opera.
What IS true is that we are developing two shows for Hulu… but we’re still a long way from letting the cameras roll, alas.
My thanks to Andrew Miller and his merry band of pranksters, who put together our little jape. And to the talented actors who joined in the deception and helped him work up that fake footage.
Current Mood: mischievous
This was not supposed to go public.
Everybody (well, everybody who has been paying attention) knows that we are developing two Wild Cards television series for Hulu. Andrew Miller has taken the reins as showrunner, a writing staff has been hired, and they have been hard at work for months.
What was NOT supposed to be known is how far they’ve come. Not only have some scripts been finished, but the first show has gone into production and has been shooting. That was supposed to be a deep dark secret, however. We wanted to surprise the world.
It’s hard to keep secrets in Hollyweird, however. And now it appears that some of the rough footage has been leaked by person or persons unknown.
Of course, there’s a lot of green screen there. No SFX in yet. Very early days.
Showrunner Andrew Miller has forwarded me this statement about the leak, and the footage:
Dear Wild Cards Fans,
This past week there was a security breach from one of our very own team members on the Wild Cards set. Although the PA in question was terminated, we were unable to stop the leaked footage from being disseminated online.
The premature and largely negative reaction is completely unfounded. As any intelligent Wild Cards fan will know, this footage is raw and incomplete, with a great deal of VFX work still to be done. Not to mention sound, editing, music and color correction.
We have pledged to develop the Wild Cards book series into the greatest daytime soap opera ever produced and we stand by that pledge.
We know you have likely already seen the footage in question but in an effort to take hold of this unfortunate narrative we present the leaked clips here, unfinished but unashamed. Knowing that you, the discerning fan will be able to see the brilliant potential in what we’re creating.
The cast seen in these clips are just a few of the brilliant daytime actors we have lured to our adaptation. Daytime Emmy Award winner GREG RIKAART (Days of Our Lives, Young and the Restless), Daytime Emmy Award winner EDEN RIEGEL (All My Children, Young and the Restless) and multiple Daytime Emmy Award nominee THORSTEN KAYE (Bold and the Beautiful, All My Children).
We are so proud of their work and that of our brilliant crew. And are counting the minutes until we’re able to share the final results with you… Every single afternoon at 1pm.
Until then,
The Wild Cards Team
Current Mood: null
Raya Golden here, minion, art director and social media guru at Fevre River Packet Company and more recently the illustrator behind the new graphic novel adaptation STARPORT. In earlier posts George described how the original pilot script back in the nineties came to be, but I thought I’d share a little bit about my side of the story and the its most recent rebirth in graphic novel form.
I was given two drafts of the script in 2015 and got right to work on developing them into graphic novel format with the help of the most talented Anne Groell over at Random House. It wasn’t as difficult as adapting literary works because the source material was already set deeply in the world of sequential imagery and had solid entertaining dialogue throughout.
I walked through the two versions of the script by thumb nailing each page while reading both scripts to create a large set of cohesive visual outlines of each working scene. Then I wrote the script following those thumbnails finally leaving the whole pile to Anne who cleaned it up and polished it to perfection.
I originally wanted to break the story down into two scripts for smaller more traditional trade paper back editions. But the story is designed as a five act television show and each point played so well into the next it felt silly to try and cut it off in the middle of act three. So I sucked it up and spent the last two and half years creating each panel and page based on those original thumbnails, staying as true to the original story as possible without cutting corners to save time.
My personal addition to the text was favoring the older draft of the two and steering away from a hard boiled dramatic feeling to a more comedic one. I thought highlighting STARPORT as a bright retro sci-fi extravaganza would accentuate the story with a modern twist, thinking along the lines of Thor: Ragnarok or Rick and Morty.
I strove to artistically reflect the verity and richness of his script by bringing my best work to the page, on every page, for nearly 300 pages of retro nineties graphic novel goodness which I dearly hope you’ll enjoy.
Set ten years into an alternate reality where Aliens have discovered Earth and inducted us into the Harmony of Worlds. Vast fleets of faster-than-light starships, linking nine thousand inhabited planets, moons, and colonies.
It’s kind of like the Men in Black, but no more hypnotizing the public or hiding. Now they’re just playing cops and robbers with aliens for your entertainment in a brand new alternate universe brought to you by the creative genius of my good friend GRRM.
It’s Brooklyn 99 meets Babylon 5…
It’s the cast of NYPD Blue on acid, playing Laser Tag with Alf…
It’s STARPORT and it’s available NOW!
Current Mood: accomplished
The Giants have traded Odell Beckham Junior to the Cleveland Browns.
They get a first (the 17th overall) and a third in this year’s draft, and a safety, Jabril Peppers.
The Giants are GOING FOR IT ALL, clearly.
Yes, they are. During the season they traded their best run-stopper, Snacks Harrison. Come to offseason, they let Landon Collins, an All Pro safety and the heart of their defense, walk for nothing. Then they traded their best pass rusher, Olivier Vernon.
And now they have traded OBJ. Their best wideout, and one of the very best in the NFL. I’ve been watching and rooting for the G-Men since “the Greatest Game Ever Played” in 1958. Beckham was not only the best receiver on today’s Giants, but he was the best receiver this storied NFL franchise has EVER had in their long history, and probably the best receiver they will ever have. They are certainly not going to replace him with the 17th overall pick in the forthcoming draft.
Some of the talking heads on ESPN are suggesting the Giants might package the 6th and 17th first round picks to move up a few slots and take a QB to replace Eli Manning. If they do, I feel sorry for that quarterback. He’ll be playing for an awful team.
I don’t follow college football. Is there some amazing talent coming out next year for the 2020 draft? A new John Elway, a new Lawrence Taylor?
Because, like I said, it sure looks like the Giants are going for it all… they are going for the first overall pick in 2020.
No way that any team can replace its best wideout, its best pass rusher, its best safety, and its best run stuffer in one year, two years, three years.
I thought the last two seasons were rough for Giants fans. Next year is going to make them look like the good old days.
Someone pinch me. I am having a Big Blue nightmare.
Current Mood: sick