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The Long Wait Is Over!!!

July 14, 2010 at 4:12 pm
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No, no, not THAT long wait, sorry…

The somewhat shorter long wait was the one I meant.

The sixth and final issue of THE HARD CALL, our Wild Cards miniseries, is now on sale at your favoirte local comic book shop. Go out and snatch up your copy! Better yet, snatch up ten!!!

Scripted by Daniel Abraham (author of THE LONG PRICE QUARTET and the forthcoming fantasy epic THE DAGGER AND THE COIN, and creator of Jonathan Hive), with art by Eric Battle, THE HARD CALL is an original tale of the Wild Cards universe, not an adaptation of a story from the books. The first five issues of the comic were published by DBPro, but with number six, Dynamite steps in to wrap up the tale.

And for that other long wait… I’m working on it, I’m working on it.

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One Loyal Man

July 13, 2010 at 11:54 pm
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I can confirm another of the leaked castings.

The role of Jory Cassel, captain of guards and right hand man to Lord Eddard Stark, will be filled by Scottish actor JAMIE SIVES. Yes, ironic as it sounds, we will have a Jamie guarding Ned.

Jory is the nephew of Ser Rodrik Cassel, Winterfell’s master-at-arms, and the son of one of Ned’s companions who died at the Tower of Joy. Though young, he commands the escort of fifty guardsmen who accompany Ned to King’s Landing.

Born in Edinburgh, Jamie Sives has been acting professionally since 1999, though his bio says he really wanted to be a footballer. His long list of credits includes an appearance on DOCTOR WHO which fans of that show might recall. He’s also featured in two of this year’s movies — the comedy GET HIM TO THE GREEK and the 3-D remake of CLASH OF THE TITANS.

So far as I know, Jory will be the only one of the Stark guards in King’s Landing with a speaking role. The rest of the Ned’s men — Desmond, Fat Tom, Hullen, Vayon Poole — will be there, but as extras, featured extras, and background characters.

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And Here’s Petyr

July 13, 2010 at 6:08 pm
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The big casting news I was hinting about yesterday broke even before I finished hinting, in THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER:

So there you have it. Petyr Baelish, master of coin for the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, will be played by the amazing Irish actor AIDAN GILLEN. ((“Big news about a small digit,” get it?))

Gillen is best known to American audiences for his superb turn on THE WIRE, where he played Tommy Carcetti, an ambitious city councilman who runs for mayor for Baltimore… and loses most of his ideals along the way. Carcetti was a brilliantly written character, and Gillen played him brilliantly, painting a vivid picture of a charming, intelligent, well intentioned man slowly seduced by power. And he did it all with a Baltimore accent that was so convincing that I never doubted for a moment that he was American… and was startled to learn, when he first came in to read for Littlefinger, that he was actually Dublin born and presently lives in London.

British audiences knew him first for his role as Stuart Alan Jones in QUEER AS FOLK, but he has extensive credits in both television and stage. He’s a winner of the IFTA (Irish Film and Television Award), and has been nominated for a BAFTA and a Tony.

He should make for a perfect Littlefinger, and I look forward eagerly to seeing what he does with the role.

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The Dancing Master

July 12, 2010 at 7:44 pm
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I can also confirm that we have cast Arya’s dancing partner. Playing Syrio Forel, former First Sword of Braavos, will be MILTOS YEROMELOU.

The London-based Yeromelou has done a lot of stage work, including Shakespearian turns at the Globe and with the Royal Shakespeare Company. He’s played a hunchback, a panther, a clown, and a Beast (not Vincent), he’s familiar with TinTin and Narnia and neanderthals, and he knows which end of the sword you stick ’em with. Some of that would have been used as hints, no doubt, but his name got out before I could start hinting.

I hear that Miltos and Maisie are already sparring on Twitter.

Just so.

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Two For The Watch

July 12, 2010 at 6:03 pm
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The ranks of the black brothers are beginning to fill up.

The part of Rast, one of the nastier of Yoren’s recruits, will be played by a young British actor named LUKE MC EWAN, a 2009 graduate from the Oxford School of Drama.

More information about Luke can be found at

And as SAMWELL TARLY, we’ve cast a very talented newcomer named JOHN BRADLEY-WEST:

The side used in the auditions for Sam featured the scene where Sam tells Jon Snow how his father Lord Randyll dispatched him to the Wall. A difficult scene, but Bradley-West did an amazing job with it in his reading. This was one of the toughest calls, at least for me, since there was another talented candidate who was also very strong, but in the end JB-W’s heartbreaking performance could not be denied.

Bradley-West will be graduating from the School of Theatre at Manchester Metropolitan University on July 16. I am told this was his first professional audition, and I imagine it is his first professional role as well. Going straight from graduation to a pretty significant part in an HBO series… hey, it doesn’t get much better than that. He’ll make a great Sam. (And if the show lasts till season four, he may even get a sex scene!)

Expect four more black brothers to be joining them soon.

And now their watch begins. Let’s hope it lasts seven seasons.

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The Casting Carnivale…

July 12, 2010 at 5:09 pm
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… continued whirling madly while I was off in San Diego, offline and out of touch.

Names have been leaking out all over the place, I discovered last night on my return. (Some are a little premature, since no deal is yet in place). In this age of Twitter and Facebook and social gaming, the days of managing and controlling the flow of information may be behind us. I could give you hints about new cast members… but what’s the point, when their names and vitae are already up on half a dozen other sites and blogs?

So only one hint for today. Expect big news about a small digit, very very soon. But not here. Look for that somewhere else.

Meanwhile, I’ll confirm a few of the actors whose names have already leaked, for the six of you who maybe haven’t heard yet.

Back soon.

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Clarion 2010

July 12, 2010 at 4:24 pm
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Look out for:

Gregory Bossert. Stacie Brown. John Chu. Nick Farrar. Erin Gonzales. Jessica Hilt. Jennifer Hsyu. Adam Israel. Dustin Monk. Tamsyn Muir. Laura Praytor. LaTisha Redding. Dallas Taylor. Leah Thomas. Karin Tidbeck. Tom Underberg. Kali Wallace. Kai Ashante Wilson.

It took me the best part of a week to learn their names — mostly I just called ’em all “Kid,” as in, “Hey, kid, not half bad” — and it may take you a little longer. But you’ll know some of those names eventually. They’re the students at the Clarion Writer’s Workshop, Class of 2010, and I’ve just spent a week reading their stories, eating wretched cafeteria food with them (“No trays for you!”), and telling them what a proud and terrible thing it is to be a science fiction and fantasy writer.

I learned ’em up good, you betchum. (“Your title sucks.”) Despite which, most of them seem bound and determined to go on with this writing madness.

Delia Sherman taught the first week. I was the second. Now they’re in the tender hands of Dale Bailey. Next week Samuel R. Delany comes in. Jeff and Ann Vandermeer finish ’em off.

That’s the kind of gauntlet you have to run at Clarion. Small wonder it’s been going since the late 60s. A “writer’s boot camp,” the workshop has been called. Rightly. Which I guess makes me a drill instructor. (But I’m a very CUDDLY drill instructor, really).

It was a great week, though. Despite the food. (I did order in pizza for everyone one night. Luigi’s. Hey, pretty damn good, actually. Better than I expected for San Diego).

And there was some real talent in this class. Oh, sure, talent’s only part of what a writer needs to make it… craft also comes into it, along with persistence, professionalism, persistence, dedication, persistence, and a good dollop of luck. Oh, and persistence, did I mention that?

But remember those names. You’ll be seeing some of them in the magazines pretty soon, I figure, and in a few more years, you’ll be reading their books.

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Clarion Call

July 3, 2010 at 12:27 am
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Off to San Diego tomorrow, to teach my week at the famous Clarion Writers’ Workshop.

Yes, I will be doing a public appearance while there — Wednesday night, at the wonderful Mysterious Galaxy bookshop. Click on the link on the appearances page of my website for full details. I’ll be reading a chapter from A DANCE WITH DRAGONS, and defacing various copies of my books with my infamous illegible scrawl.

Unless provoked, I will try to be good and avoid any mention of last season’s Jets / Chargers playoff game. Honest, I will.

I don’t carry a laptop on the road, so I won’t be checking in here much, if at all, while I’m gone. Sorry, no hints or casting announcements until the 11th. At least not from me.

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A Good Omen???

July 2, 2010 at 12:46 pm
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I don’t believe in omens, really, but…

One of the organizations I donate to is the World Wildlife Fund. So every year they send me a nice wall calendar, full of pretty pictures of endangered animals.

I just flipped over the calendar from June to July (okay, I’m a little late). And what do I find staring at me?

A huge gorilla.

He looks pretty pissed off, too.

Could this be a sign?

(Then again, June was a sea turtle, and turtles have been my totem since childhood, so I thought that was a good omen too).

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Fantasy Flight Times Two

July 1, 2010 at 1:21 am
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The boys and girls at Fantasy Flight Games have really been kicking ass lately. Two new Ice & Fire releases are either in the stores or on the way.

First, there’s BATTLES OF WESTEROS, a brand new — well, I don’t know, would you call it a board game, a miniatures game, a war game? — whatever it is, it looks great. Based on the BattleLore system that FFG acquired. Fight your own Stark/ Lannister wars.

I’ve just received my own copies of this one. FFG has done a bang-up job, as always. The games should be in your favorite neighborhood game shop now. If not, hey, find a new favorite neighborhood game shop.

For more info on BATTLES OF WESTEROS, check out their website at:

Meanwhile, on other fronts, Fantasy Flight is also preparing to release a second edition of their art book, THE ART OF GEORGE R.R. MARTIN’S A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE (whew). The first edition was a big hit a few years back, but has been out of print and unavailble for some time. We’ve added some new art, replaced some old art (but kept most of the great stuff from the first edition, natch) freshened up the design, and FFG will soon be re-releasing the book for all those of you who missed the first one.

The art book should be available this summer from FFG, Amazon, or your local bookstore. Art of A Song of Ice & Fire

And… even better… FFG is now putting together a SECOND art book, with all new Ice & Fire artwork from their stable of kickass illustrators. More on that later.

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