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A Time for Wolves

February 19, 2014 at 1:10 am
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Friends, fans, and autograph collectors… here's your chance.  We're doing another great fundraiser for our friends at the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary down Candy Kitchen Way, and for "the Westeros Pack"


For one week only, we're offering all sorts of signed GRRM and ICE & FIRE books and other collectibles will be available for those who help out with donations large or small.  For more details, go to

We were going to start the drive at midnight tonight… but we've decided to add even more prizes, giveaways, and signed books, so it will take another day or two before the fundraiser goes live.  Once it does, it will run for a week.

Watch the Wild Spirit site for more details.  And once the flag goes up, give generously.

It's for the wolves.

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Santa Feans!

February 18, 2014 at 11:32 pm
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Don't miss tomorrow's GAME OF THRONES marathon session at the Jean Cocteau.

We'll be showing three episodes from season two:  "The Old Gods and the New," "A Man Without Honor," and "The Prince of Winterfell."

The wolves will be back!  Our friends from Wild Spirit Sanctuary are bringing up two ambassadors from Candy Kitchen.

 And we'll have snow.  Jon Snow, that is.  KIT HARRINGTON will join us via Skype.

 Best of all, after the screening, we'll be giving away two pairs of tickets to the Santa Fe premiere of season four!!

 And admission is FREE.

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Another Tease, Another Taste

February 16, 2014 at 11:50 pm
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HBO gave us another taste of season four tonight, before the latest episode of TRUE DETECTIVE.

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48 days and counting.

Unless you live in Santa Fe.

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Report from Santa Fe

February 15, 2014 at 1:17 pm
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Last month I did a local television interview with Lorene Mills, of REPORT FROM SANTA FE.

For those of you who cannot get enough of me talking, here's the link:

Lorene has had a very eclectic guest list over the years.  A lot of New Mexico politicians, to be sure, but also artists, writers, and even stranger types.

She's a big Peter S. Beagle fan as well, and interviewed him when he was here a few weeks back with THE LAST UNICORN.

Speaking of which:


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After the Final Curtain

February 13, 2014 at 5:53 pm
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Movies, music, and booksignings aren't the only things we offer at the Jean Cocteau in Santa Fe.

The theatre lobby also doubles as a small art gallery.  Every month or so we mount another exhibition… of painting, photography, mixed media, what have you.  As with our movies, we strive to be eclectic in the art we show.

Up to now, we've displayed the work of local artists, some very talented painters and photographers based in Santa Fe and vicinity.  But next week we'll be offering something a little bit different — a display of photographs by Matt Lambros, an amazing photographer from New York who has spent the last several years travelling around the country photographing abandoned and decaying theatres and movie palaces.


The moment I saw Lambros's work, I knew I wanted to show it at the Jean Cocteau.  What better venue, than the lobby of a theatre that has returned from the dead?  I find Matt's photographs very powerful and very sad.  These dream palaces had a brief heydey compared to the great cathedrals and castles of the middle ages, but they share the same sort of grandeur, even in decay.  There's a strange beauty here.  By rights, all these theatres should be haunted, and maybe they are… by the ghosts of all the kings and queens, heroes and villains, lovers and louts who strolled across these stages.

Lambros displays his photographs on his amazing website, AFTER THE FINAL CURTAIN, which you can check out for yourself here:

There's far more on his website than can be exhibited in the Cocteau's small gallery area, so in addition to the exhibition, Matt Lambros will be doing a lecture and slide show on Monday, February 17, starting at 6:20pm.  Tickets are available at the Cocteau website.


I am really looking forward to hearing Matt Lambros, and seeing some of his work up close and in the original.  The exhibition will run from tomorrow through March 17.  If you get the chance, come see it.  And if you're in town Monday night, join us for the lecture and slide show.

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Dunk & Egg Conquer Kindle

February 12, 2014 at 1:42 pm
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The graphic novel, that is.  Scripted by Ben Avery, illustrated by Mike S. Miller, it has been out of print for years in its original editions from Marvel and DBPro, and fetching ever higher prices on ebay, but now at last there is a brand new edition for those who want to read Dunk & Egg's second adventure without paying collector's prices for it.  Jet City Comics released their own edition of THE HEDGE KNIGHT II: THE SWORN SWORD on January 22, in both digital and print formats.   You'll find the paper editions on sale at your favorite local bookstore or comics shop.  The electronic version is available for Kindle from Amazon at


So far, the response has been great.  Both the physical and digital editions debuted on Amazon as #1 in Comics & Graphic Novels: Fantasy, ahead of many great works.  And the physical edition rose to the Top 600 in Books.

The graphic novel of THE HEDGE KNIGHT also saw a boost, rising to #2 in Comics & Graphic Novels: Fantasy.

And Jet City published a new interview with Mike S. Miller about his experience working on both projects.

 Meanwhile, over at Random House, Ben Avery and Mike S. Miller are reportedly hard at work on a graphic novel adaptation of the third Dunk & Egg novella, "The Mystery Knight."  More on that one down the line.

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This Weekend at the Jean Cocteau

February 12, 2014 at 11:10 am
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Something for all tastes, I think.

See you at the movies.

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The Jokers Are Back

February 11, 2014 at 11:01 pm
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September 15, 1946 was the first Wild Cards Day, the day that Jetboy met Dr. Tod in the skies over Manhattan, and the wild card virus was released onto an unsuspecting world.

September 15, 1986 was the 40th anniversary of that fateful day, and a pretty eventful 24 hours in its own right.  The triumphs and tragedies of that day were chronicled in JOKERS WILD, the third volume of the Wild Cards series… and the first of our "full mosaics."  Back in 1986, when we wrote the book, we were experimenting with a form that no one had ever attempted in SF and fantasy before.  Seven writers, seven characters, seven stories… all woven together into a fully collaborative novel, wherein the whole (we hoped) was more than the sum of its parts.

And let me you, editing this one was a bitch and a half.  But well worth it.   My writers complained a lot, as did I, but the readers love the result… and so did we, after a bit of time to reflect.  So the Wild Cards series has continued to feature fully-interwoven mosaic novels ever since, albeit usually only once every three books or so, since the process of hammering these out is exhausting for all concerned.

February 11, 2014 is the day that JOKERS WILD, first of the full mosaics, was reissued by Tor books in trade paperback.  It's been out of print and unavailable for longer than I care to think about, but now once more it is available at your local bookstore, or from your favorite online bookseller.  Never looked better either, dressed up as it is in a spectacular new cover from Michael Komarck.


The featured writers (and their characters) this time around are yours truly (Hiram Worchester), Lewis Shiner (Fortunato), John Jos. Miller (Wraith, our new cover girl),  Edward Bryant (Sewerjack), Leanne C. Harper (Bagabond), Melinda M. Snodgrass (Roulette), and Walton Simons (Demise).

(I should mention: some Wild Cards books are good entry points to the series, but this is not one of them.  JOKERS WILD is the culmination of our first triad, so you probably read WILD CARDS and ACES HIGH before tackling this one).

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Lord Justin of Bieberland

February 10, 2014 at 5:27 pm
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Here's a real hoot from MTV:

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Coolest Dragons Ever

February 10, 2014 at 4:52 pm
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Gotta love them dragons.

I have long maintained that Vermithrax Perjorative was the coolest dragon ever put on film… but Peter Jackson's version of Smaug, from the second HOBBIT film, may have stolen his laurels.

And I gotta say, our own baby Drogon is growing up fast.

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