An apology to all the aces and jokers out there, my Wild Cards fans and readers. There’s been lots going on with Wild Cards, but I have been so busy with Westeros and the railroad and many many other things that I haven’t found time to blog about it.
Better late than never, though, so…
We have had some fun new original Wild Card short stories up on Tor.com.
Here’s “Grow,” by Carrie Vaughn.
And here’s “Hearts of Stone,” from Emma Newman.
Jason Powell had a couple of thought provoking Wild Cards essays up at well.
Ten Satisfying Long-Term Payoffs in George R.R. Martin’s Wild Cards Series
Comprehensive Network Coverage: A Look at the Wild Card Universe’s Predatory Alien Coalition
That’s not all, though.
On the literary front, the Wild Cards gang is hard at work on three new originals: PAIRING UP, SLEEPER STRADDLES, and HOUSE RULES.
Meanwhile, work continues apace on the Wild Cards Tv series we are developing for Peacock. The pilot will be based mostly on FORT FREAK. Haven’t read that one? No problem, signed copies are available from Beastly Books in Santa Fe, and unsigned copies from your favorite on-line bookseller.
Jetboy forever!
Current Mood: bouncy