It will be a wild weekend at Beastly Books and the Jean Cocteau… a WILD CARDS weekend, that is.
Two new Wild Cards books are being released this week by our friends at Tor… or rather, two old Wild Cards books, unavailable for decades, are being re-released with smashing new covers. Looking to complete your Wild Cards collections? Your days of searching for old used copies on ebay are over. Pick up the new editions, and enjoy the read.
Both of these new/old books are solo novels.
DEATH DRAWS FIVE, by John Jos. Miller, was volume seventeen in the series, the second (and last) of the two originals published by iBooks, released a bare week before iBooks went under. Very few copies were ever distributed back then. John’s novel features the return of Fortunato, star turns from Billy Ray (Carnifex) and Jerry Strauss (Mr. Nobody), and introduces John Nighthawk and the unforgettable Midnight Angel (that’s her on the cover). The fate of John Fortune… and the world… hangs in the balance.
The new Tor edition is a hardcover.
TURN OF THE CARDS, by the late great Victor Milan, is the other novel to return this week. Volume twelve in the series, this globe-trotting adventure features Mark Meadows… aka Cap’n Trips… and all of his “friends,” including an old friend and a brand new one. It’s Vic at his finest, and it’s another volume that has been very hard to find since its original publication. The Tor edition is a trade paperback.
It goes without saying… we are celebrating the release of these two favorites with a cool event this Saturday (NOVEMBER 13) at the Jean Cocteau Cinema and Beastly Books, on Montezuma Street in scenic Santa Fe.
The festivities will start at 4:00 pm with a Happy Hour. Come meet the writers and your fellow Wild Cards fans.
At 5:00 we will shuffle into the JCC auditorium, where John Miller will talk about DEATH DRAWS FIVE, his Wild Cards characters, and his other work. After that we will have a panel, “Remembering Vic Milan,” wherein John and I and Melinda M. Snodgrass will share some memories of our lost friend and the stories he left behind him.
Finally, at 6:00 PM, we will adjourn next door to Beastly Books for the booksigning. John and I and Melinda will all be on hand, and there’s a chance a few more of your favorite Wild Cards writers may also swing by. Cross your fingers.
Come join us if you can. And if you can’t, well, signed copies of all the Wild Cards books, old and new, are always available via mail order from Beastly Books in Santa Fe. And hey, Christmas is coming up soon … autographed books make GREAT gifts.
Current Mood: pleased