Just moved a locomotive and a couple cars from down Lamy way to Santa Fe, behind the Jean Cocteau.
Still a lot to do before we will be able to reopen the railroad. Track and trestle work, for starts. Refurbishing the cars. Lots more.
We may also be looking to change the name of the line. When people hear “Santa Fe” in connection with trains, they think of the old Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe — which is now the Burlington Northern Santa Fe, and owned by Warren Buffet. And “Santa Fe Southern” was an odd name in any case, since Santa Fe is definitely in northern New Mexico.
What the new name might be, I have no idea. I only know that we won’t invite the public to vote. My partners and I do not want to end up owning a railroad named Trainy McTrainface.
Current Mood: pleased