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Who Will Be the New American Hero?

March 3, 2020 at 10:34 am
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The year was 2007 when twenty-eight aces from all over the United States gathered in Hollywood to compete for a million dollars in the first season of the hit television series American Hero.  Men and women, young and old, all gifted with astonishing powers, they were divided into four teams: Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, and Spades.  Each week they were sent out to face an amazing array of challenges to test their courage, their resourcefulness, their teamwork, and their cunning.   The winning team won immunity for a week; the others were required to discard one of their members.

As every Wild Cards fan know, the show did not go entirely as planned.   Midway through that first season, a large group of discards and a couple of the contestants still in the fight abandoned Los Angeles for Egypt, where a community of jokers was faced with genocide.   Some of them would die there.   Their story was told in INSIDE STRAIGHT, volume  eighteen in the series.   But over the years, many readers have asked us — what happened to the rest of the contestants, the aces who stayed in Hollywood to finish the competition?  What challenges did they face, who excelled, who stumbled, who was betrayed and discarded, who won the million dollars?

Their stories can at last be told in full, in AMERICAN HERO, a new ebook from Tor.   Here is the flip side of INSIDE STRAIGHT, with material taken straight from the show’s official website.   Here is every challenge told in detail, from the first week to the last, supplemented by confessionals from the contestants themselves, and commentary by the show’s three judges.   Come revisit those halcyon days when a new generation of heroic aces stepped onto the national stage and showed their stuff.   Jonathan Hive, Toad Man, Brave Hawk, Jade Blossom, the Amazing Bubbles, Jetman, Hardhat, Dragon Huntress, Simoon, Gardener, the Candle, Lohengrin, John Fortune, and many more… they’re all here.

AMERICAN HERO will be distributed through Tor’s usual ebook retailers and can be purchased for Kindle, iBooks, Kobo, Nook,, and Google Play.  Download to your platform and format of choice to read however you wish (iPad, ereader, computer, etc).

All of the buy links are listed here:

And if by chance you missed INSIDE STRAIGHT and want to check that one out too, signed copies are available from Beastly Books… all of them autographed not only by me, but by several of the other contributing writers as well:

Wild Cards: Inside Straight


Current Mood: excited excited