Here’s the latest from Walter Jon Williams and the Taos Toolbox, his advanced “graduate level” SF writer’s workshop (which is actually in Angel Fire now, not Taos, but never mind):
The Terran Prize for 2019, sponsored by George RR Martin and consisting of a scholarship for a foreign writer to this year’s Taos Toolbox Workshop, has been awarded to Chinese author Zhou Wen (昼温.)
Zhou was born in Jinan, Shandong province, and has a double B.A. in English and finance, and a Master’s degree in translation from Shandong University. She is currently enrolled in the Chinese University of Hong Kong for another Master‘s degree in translation. She is 24 years old.
As a translator, she has translated into Chinese several Marvel and DC comics, including Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench.
As an author, she’s been published in the Florilegium: Chinese Literature Today, the magazine Life Week, and the new media account Non-Existence. Her short story Silent Syllables won the China Science Fiction Readers’ Choice Award.
Zhou says: “I believe language is the most magical product of the human brain, while writing is also a magic with language. I often use linguistic theory as the core of my story, because language can touch everything in the world and every heart of mankind, as well as trigger a strong resonance among lonely souls. In my works, characters often find their way through a deeper understanding of language.”
Walter and his team do great work up at the Toolbox (wherever it is held), and I am pleased to be able to help bring talented young writers from overseas to the Land of Enchantment to take part. We all share the same world and love the same genre, after all; in the parlance of the SF of my youth, we are all Terrans (or Earthlings, or humans, or men), not Americans or Africans or Chinese.
I look forward to meeting Zhou when I make my annual visit to the Toolbox this summer.
Current Mood: pleased