For Best Editor, Short Form:
Of course.
We lost Gardner last May. A lot of love and laughter went out of the world when he died, and a tremendous amount of talent as well. He was a gifted writer who did not write nearly enough… and an amazing editor, the single most important and influential editor in our field since John W. Campbell Jr. It was my privilege to co-edit half a dozen anthologies with him. That was a joy and a pleasure, and I will always regret that we can’t do any more.
Gardner loved science fiction with all his heart and soul, and the field loved him as well. He won more Hugos for editing than any other editor, past or present. But that does not mean we cannot give him one more. THE BOOK OF MAGIC, his last original anthology, was published in 2018, along with the final volume of his annual BEST. Great works, both.
I’ll be putting Gardner’s name on my ballot for Best Editor, Short Form. I hope you will as well.
Current Mood: melancholy