NIGHTFLYERS, the new SyFy series based on my 1980 novella of the same name, is heading for your home screens soon.
SyFy has just announced that they will be rolling out the show on DECEMBER 2, on all platforms. Netflix will follow.
A new trailer has also been unveiled.
I saw the first episode on my recent visit to LA, after the Emmy Awards (for anyone who wasn’t watching — we WON). Yes, there are significant differences from my novella. I always knew that would be the case; there was no way the novella, which has a very definite ending, could translate to a multi-season series. On its own terms, though, the show is very well made; the sets and effects look gorgeous, and there’s a terrific, talented cast, and a story that even I cannot predict. And of course, as I have said before, it was a thrill for me to finally see Melantha Jhirl portrayed the way I wrote her.
The show is pretty scary too. Make no mistake, this is as much horror as it is science fiction. By design.
Anyway… check it out on Netflix or SyFy and make up your own minds. (You’ll do that anyway, I know. My readers are like that).
For all the details of the rollout plan, go to https://finance.yahoo.com/news/nightflyers-syfy-sets-multi-platform-170016282.html — or your favorite TV news sources on the internet.
(And for those who want to check out my original story, signed copies are available from the bookstore at the Jean Cocteau Cinema).
Current Mood: bouncy