Autographed books make wonderful Xmas presents for the readers among your family and friends (and if you have family and friends who aren’t readers, well, plainly, you need new family and friends).
With that in mind, the bookstore at the Jean Cocteau Cinema is offering $5 off on half a dozen great titles, from now till Christmas… or while the supply lasts.
Take your pick, or get all six:
All books are signed. The two Wild Cards books and the WHEEL OF TIME COMPANION have multiple autographs.
It has come to our attention that certain autographed books from the JCC are being purchased by dealers who then double or triple the prices and resell the books. For that reason, we are limiting these sale books to no more than TWO (2) per customer.
And yes, we will ship overseas… though given the date, to get the books there by Christmas may require costly expedited shipping.
We have lots of other titles available as well… my own books, and those by many other award-winning and bestselling writers who have done events at the JCC. You can see the full list at http://jeancocteaucinema.com/product-category/author/
Happy holidays… and happy reading.
Current Mood: happy