Australia is one of my favorite places in the world, particularly the city of Melbourne… and it would seem the Aussies like me too.
Melbourne, as it happens, is adding five new stops to its Metro, and in a fit of jolly Aussie optimism they have asked the public to suggest names for the new stations. And it would seem that names from my books are among the leading contenders:
I have to admit, I am bemused and rather flattered by this. The idea of a Melbourne Metro Station named Winterfell tickles my fancy… though, having been to Australia numerous times, I will assert that winter never really does come down there. Highgarden, the Eyrie, Dorne, Westeros… well, some names are more apt than others, admittedly, but all of them beat Station McStationface, which I fear will be the ultimate victor, given the results of other recent Name That Thing balloting.
Myself, I think they ought to consider naming one of the stops after the late great Aussie country singer Slim Dusty: they could call it The Stop With No Beer.
(I will leave comments open here, but ONLY for discussion of Melbourne’s metro stops. All off topic comments will be deleted).
Current Mood: amused