It’s Labor Day weekend. Time for WORLDCON!! I’m so excited, I…
Oh, wait. Worldcon was over weeks ago. Finncon, Finnishcon, Helsinkicon, I remember (no, I will not call it “Worldcon 75,” I am not a number, I am a free fan). And a splendid con it was.
Even if it was held on the wrong weekend.
Worldcon belongs on Labor Day weekend. And always will. (After all, did Tom Disch slam my generation of writers as the “Early August Bunch?” No, he did not).
Dragoncon, you say? Dragoncon belongs back in July, where it was born.
Worldcon should move back to Labor Day and stay there, regardless of whatever other johnny-come-lately cons move to the same weekend. Worldon has dibs!
The Space Geezer has spoken.
Current Mood: annoyed