Hiya, kids, hiya hiya. The fun continues tonight at the Jean Cocteau with the third night of our Max Headroom M-M-Maxathon. Michael Cassutt will be there once again to answer questions and shine his light into the darkness of thirty years ago, and we’ll be screening episodes four and five of season one of the MAX HEADROOM show, “Security Systems” and “War.”
But that’s not all. For the real die-hards, we have a special treat. For the first (and probably last) time, I will be giving a public reading of the story treatment for my own, never-produced MAX HEADROOM episode, “Mister Meat.”
“Mister Meat” was originally intended to be the fifth episode of the show. There’s no script, however, and certainly no film. I delivered my treatment on November 5, 1986… and ABC promptly drove a spike through it. “Offensive” and “disgusting” were a few of the words I recall.
They didn’t like it.
So if you’re in Santa Fe tonight, come by the JCC and hear what ABC found too shocking to air in 1987. And if you’re not in Santa Fe tonight… well, sorry, you’re out of luck.