Francis Menotti was at the Jean Cocteau over the weekend, and amazed us all. This is the third time we’ve had Francis at the JCC, and he always does a great show. He performed the trick that stumped Penn & Teller, of course, along with a lot of other tricks that stumped the rest of us, including me. Always a fun time when Menotti is in time.
Alas, alack, a couple of the other magic acts that we’ve been looking forward to — the ones I blogged about here http://grrm.livejournal.com/528565.html — have vanished from our schedule, at least temporarily.
The astonishing Misty Lee, one of our faves, was scheduled to return on June 9-10, but she’s run into a scheduling conflict with a television appearance, so we’re having to push her visit back until September. And the Naked Magicians, scheduled for May 30, are gone as well. We lost our venue and partner for that one, and the Aussies are too big for our tiny JCC stage and auditorium. We still want to bring them to Santa Fe, but right now we cannot say when and where. Watch this space.
So… there’s a bit less magic on our schedule, for the none, but we still have some amzing special events coming up at the JCC. TERRY BROOKS will be here for an author event on June 17, and RICHARD KADREY on July 13. July 7 – 9 we have the GAME OF THRONES season 6 marathon.
But much soon, do not forget, Max Headroom will be coming for our M-M-M-MAXATHON! That’s May 13 – 20, with Michael Cassutt, Steve Roberts, and Matt Frewer… and my own, never before seen or heard, Max Headroom episodes. Don’t miss it.