A few odds and ends on the Wild Cards front…
For those curious about the history of Wild Cards development in Hollywood, Melinda Snodgrass has a new post up on the Wild Cards blog at http://www.wildcardsworld.com/its-a-long-and-winding-road/
Over at Tor.com, the Wild Cards ReRead is well under way, presided over by Katy Rask. They are discussing book one. Join in at http://www.tor.com/2017/03/02/wild-cards-reveals-a-dark-reflection-of-our-post-war-reality/
Meanwhile, on my own website, I’ve got a new sample up from the next Wild Cards original in the pipeline, MISSISSIPPI ROLL. Get a taste of “Wingless Angel” by John Jos. Miller; Carnifex and the Midnight Angel in New Orleans. You’ll find it at http://www.georgerrmartin.com/wild-cards-excerpt/
Happy reading, aces.