Down in Candy Kitchen, New Mexico is the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary, a refuge for wolves and wolf-dogs and other canids (dingos, New Guinea singing dogs, coyotes, even a fox called Romeo) that Parris and I have been helping out for years.
We’ve just helped them put together a new fund-raising film, and I thought that some of you might like a look. The film is by Elias Gallegos and Andy Atkins.
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If you’re still looking for the perfect gift for the guy on your list who has everything, why not make a donation to Wild Spirit in his name? Or better yet, adopt a wolf for him… or her. Our own association with Wild SPirit began many years ago when our friends in the Brotherhood Without Banners made Parris a wolf mother.
You can learn more at their website: https://www.wildspiritwolfsanctuary.org/