I've missed some great films at the Cocteau these past two months while I've been globehopping.
But I'm home now, and we have some terrific offerings coming up at Santa Fe's hometown movie theatre in the weeks to come… starting this Sunday, when we'll be screening Richard Donner's LADYHAWKE. Not only one of the greatest fantasy films ever made (ignore that bloody soundtrack please), but one of the great romances as well.
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And for all the fans and cinephiles and aspiring screenwriters out there, we have a very special treat: LADYHAWKE will be introduced by Santa Fe's own ED KHMURA, the film's screenwriter, who will talk about how the movie came to be, and the challenges of making it.
LADYHAWKE will screen on Sunday, starting at 6:30.
Come join Ed and me and Melinda Snodgrass, and (on the silver screen) Michelle Pfeiffer, Rutger Hauer, and Matthew Broderick, sample a great fantasy, and enjoy one of our specialty cocktails and New Mexico's best popcorn at the Jean Cocteau.
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