So… I have already posted my schedule for the worldcon in Chicago (see below), but I neglected to mention that the next con on my schedule is actually our hometown convention, Bubonicon, down the road in Albuquerque, New Mexico. (Land o’ the Flea and Home o’ the Plague, as con mascot Perry Rodent will be glad to tell you).
I will be at that one too. My schedule:
8:30 pm – READING (I will probably read from THE WORLD OF ICE AND FIRE) Acoma
10:30 pm – CHARITY AUCTION (will be donating various signed books and collectibles)
1:00 pm – HOLLYWOOD TALES panel w/ SNodgrass & Cassutt Salon E
5:30 pm – MASS SIGNING (all the writers at the con, defacing books)
12:15 noon – SIGNING (me and Brandon Sanderson, defacing books)
Of course, I will be hanging around the bar and cruising the parties as well.
Same rules as worldcon: always glad to meet you and converse, but I will sign stuff only at the designated signings on Saturday and Sunday. Thanks for understanding.
Bubonicon only draws about a tenth as many people as worldcon, so if you’re in driving distance of Albuquerque, there’s no better place to hang with your favorite writers and fellow fen. A link with all the necessary info can be found on my Appearances page.
See you there.
Current Mood: null