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The Game of Food

April 21, 2011 at 5:40 pm
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My fans never cease to amaze me. Some of you are crazy. Some of you are wonderful. Most of you are crazily wonderful.

Like the two women in Boston who have started up a food blog they are calling the Inn at the Crossroads. Their mission appears to be to cook up both medieval and modern versions of all the dishes mentioned in A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE.

They’re already off to a great start. You can read about their adventures and get all their recipes at the Inn:

I have cautioned them to skip the seagull when they get to it. The rat-on-a-stick is probably worth a pass as well, and I’d be wary about the bowls o’ brown served in Flea Bottom. You never know what sorts of things go in them.

Anyway, do visit their blog and give them some encouragement. They have a lot of cooking to do. Why, Joffrey’s wedding feast alone featured seventy-seven courses.

Oh, and I love their motto: In the Game of Food, you win, or you wash the dishes…

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Victor Gollancz Anniversary

April 21, 2011 at 9:50 am
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Victor Gollancz has been among the leading publishers of science fiction and fantasy in the United Kingdom for the past fifty years. Their “yellow books” … er, “distinctive golden dustjackets” … have been a part of the British scene for most of my career.

To celebrate their 50th anniversary, they’re having a special promotion.

From Gollancz:

“This year Gollancz celebrates 50 years of bringing you the very best in Science Fiction and Fantasy, from classic novels through to modern-day bestsellers.

We’ve chosen 50 titles published under the Gollancz imprint over the past 50 years. Now we want you to tell us your favourites! Simply visit the website and select one science fiction title and one fantasy title to cast your vote.

We’ll announce the winners in September and then publish the top-five Science Fiction and top-five Fantasy titles in a fantastic collectable retro-look edition to celebrate!”

Congratulations, Gollancz. Keep up the good work. We want fifty more years, at least.

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